By the way, another very eerie coincidence, usually death sentences carried out by American military tribunals, are exclusively either by firing squad or electric chair never by hanging, and the Americans wanted to use firing squads.
But the Russians insisted the hangings,because it’s more degrading and the Americans gave in.
No doubt this was orchestrated from heaven to keep Hashem’s promise to Ester that the future ten Hamans will be hung too.
galicianer March 4, 2023 9:13 pm at 9:13 pm
And please explain the difference between a NUDNIK and a NIT-PICKER.
MD, please explain the difference between “escaped” and “ran away”
chugibugi thats fascinating
Actually one committed suicide the night before the scheduled hanging, it was Hermann Goring y”m”s
What is really eerie about this. As we know Haman had one daughter and CHAZAL tell us she commited suicide after throwing waste on her father thinking it was Mordechai.
David Irving who wrote a biography on the top Nazi’s, claimed that Hermann Göring was a transvestite/cross-dresser? therefore not only did we have the ten hangings of the modern day ten son’s of Haman, but also the suicide of a pervert crossdresser which commemorated the suicide of that one daughter of Haman.
and really 12 were sentenced to hang, but 1 escaped and 1 ran away…
6 Responses
By the way, another very eerie coincidence, usually death sentences carried out by American military tribunals, are exclusively either by firing squad or electric chair never by hanging, and the Americans wanted to use firing squads.
But the Russians insisted the hangings,because it’s more degrading and the Americans gave in.
No doubt this was orchestrated from heaven to keep Hashem’s promise to Ester that the future ten Hamans will be hung too.
galicianer March 4, 2023 9:13 pm at 9:13 pm
And please explain the difference between a NUDNIK and a NIT-PICKER.
MD, please explain the difference between “escaped” and “ran away”
chugibugi thats fascinating
Actually one committed suicide the night before the scheduled hanging, it was Hermann Goring y”m”s
What is really eerie about this. As we know Haman had one daughter and CHAZAL tell us she commited suicide after throwing waste on her father thinking it was Mordechai.
David Irving who wrote a biography on the top Nazi’s, claimed that Hermann Göring was a transvestite/cross-dresser? therefore not only did we have the ten hangings of the modern day ten son’s of Haman, but also the suicide of a pervert crossdresser which commemorated the suicide of that one daughter of Haman.
and really 12 were sentenced to hang, but 1 escaped and 1 ran away…