One can say that the ink on the nation’s new draft law has not dried and the first petition challenging it was filed with the Supreme Court.
The Movement for Quality Government (MQG) has the privilege of being the first to challenge the long-awaited response to the chareidi tzibur’s lack of sharing the military burden, the nation’s new draft law that was passed in Knesset just a short time before the High Court petition was filed. The petition is filed against both the government and the IDF.
The petitioner is calling on the court to issue an injunction to halt implementation of the law, to compel the government to explain why the law to draft bnei yeshivos should not be disqualified on the basis of being “A serious blow, illegal, unequal, and a disproportionate bill violating the fundamental rights of the nation’s Basic Law guaranteeing Human Dignity & Liberty.”
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
4 Responses
At this point the Supreme Court isn’t very critical, since the law by itself is “casus belli”. At most the Supreme Court can do is move up the first battles. If the situation implodes, they could recognize conscientious objection based on their past liberal “law of nations” approach, but that will occue only if the situation has badly deteriorated (meaning some hareidim have getting refugee status abroad, and Israel is being charged with human rights violations over the matter).
How they deal with mass refusals and civil disobedience will not be a factor with even tghe Israeli Supreme Court.
It’s not unequal and disproportionate. It imposes the same obligation on Charedim as it does on every other Israeli. They’re not being asked to serve longer, or in more dangerous units. If anything, it offers Chareidim accommodations that could compel Chiloni soldiers to sue for inequality and disproportionality.
#2 Whateva
Actually you are pretty ignorant, the IDF has broken every promise it has to Charedim serving and has not kept its accommodations you think are so great. It has nothing to do with serving, there are more secular Israelis dodging the draft than Charedim, and if it was abotu “equal burden”, then why not draft the Arabs. And if they really needed the Charedim, then why did the chief of personnel say they have met all staffing needs and do not want or need to charedim.
Do some research before saying things you have no clue about. So here are some things to enlighten you
#2 Did you read the article? This IS a Chiloni group complaining that the law treats Chareidim better than other groups! That is the whole lawsuit here. And IIRC (although I may be wrong), this is the same group that brought the initial lawsuit challenging Tal to begin with, that started this whole process to begin with!