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VIDEOS & PHOTOS: Violent Protests In Geula On Thursday Afternoon, After Yeshiva Bochur Arrested For IDF Draft



Violence followed the arrest of a Yeshiva Bochur by the name of Eliyahu Cohen, an arrest that was related to the IDF draft of Chareidim. The young man followed the instructions of his rabbonim and did not report to an IDF induction center.

Police moved into the Geula area of the capital on Thursday afternoon, 10 Nissan, responding to violent protests which appeared to be in response to the arrest. Garbage cans were turned over and set ablaze as they wreaked havoc in the area of Kikar Shabbos, Tzefanya and other streets.

Helmeted police armed with batons were attacked with rocks but they managed to disperse the violent protest. Some police personnel were mingling in the violence, dressed as chareidim. At least five arrests were made.

It was a difficult situation for motorists and pedestrians alike on a very busy Thursday afternoon, erev Shabbos HaGadol in Geula.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Videos: Yochai Cohen & Yehuda Edri, Chadashot 24 – Photos Courtesy JDN)

21 Responses

  1. Definitely sounds like Yasam instigators.
    More important than actually doing anything (arresting yeshiva students or settlers) is making sure that your opponents look bad. Start a violent riot…what better way than to make your opponents look like “extremists.” If half the effort were given to arresting the real bad guys, instead of making sure that vandals and draft evaders were punished, then we might see some real security for ALL Israelis.

  2. These folks really need to get lives! There has to be a better way to respond than burning garbage cans and throwing rocks…dont any of these ‘charedim’ have jobs or other responsibilities? Or are they all free in the middle of a weekday afternoons?

  3. Maybe they should draft the chareidim into the police instead of the Army. Sounds like the police need to be socially-engineered by the chareidim, rather than the chareidim being socially-engineered by the army.

  4. Look at these videos, who looks like the civilized am kodesh, which rabbonim are they following? If they would have a peaceful demonstration (like they did Manhattan)we would look like people that can be reasoned with, one whose opinion matters, instead we look like hoodlum and buffoons, that need to integrate to society for their own good and even against their will.

  5. junkfreesignup; the peaceful demonstration in manhattan followed a week after hundreds of thousands of people joined in a peacful tefilla in Yerushalyim Ir HaKodesh. Berlin was not the new Yerushalyim and neither is Manhattan. Don’t be an armchair quarterback, move over here and be a part of the action

  6. junkfreesignup,

    Why don’t you do your research before you comment, especially a negative remark against the nation you belong to???

    Just a while ago we had A peaceful “Million Man Protest” in Jerusalem with not one arrest.

    Did it appear to help? does our opinion being taken seriously?

    The secular government is tearing us apart, instead of uniting us, how sad.

    (however I never said that violence is justified) but this is what the government brings us to do.

  7. Unfortunately, what the chareidim in Eretz Yisrael fail to realize is that we live in a globally connected world. Now, the whole world is able to see how the Jews conduct themselves just as the goyim would regarding having a violent protest. Everything we do today must be weighed a lot more heavily than in the past, because now the whole world can see how we behave. This behavior doesn’t give off the impression of am hanivchar or a special people. And those who call Israeli police Nazis shows how little they know about who the Nazis really were. I am deeply ashamed of this.

  8. While I am on the topic, I take the NYC transit system every day, and why is it that the goyim can line up in a straight line while waiting for the bus and be very courteous, but in Israel, everyone has to push and shove and conduct themselves in an entirely different way? What happened to the am hanivchar concept? Why should the goyim conduct themselves better in some regards? It’s terrible!

  9. Anonymous. The only people tearing each other apart are the lazy charedim. You come over to Europe and get bombarded during davening with hands thrust in front of you for money. If they would get decent jobs they wouldn’t be inducted and to be in the idf is no worse then some of the leitzim who say they are in yeshiva but learn zip all. Maybe if the learning and haskofos were sincere then these gezeirus wouldn’t come about. The only fault is ours the whole time that we don’t realise we aren’t doing the rotzon of h’shem. We should be looking at ourselves to improve not to go out and burn things which is a very selfish attitude. Get a life!

  10. The yeshivah boys belong in the bais medrash or they belong in the army. There is rational for burning garbage cans.

  11. I’m thinking – you know its a few days before pesach, the yeshiva’s are closed and these people have nothing better to do. Perhaps some would like to come over and help me clean for pesach.

  12. What did these behema bochurim hope to accomplish other than to inconvenience other yidden not involved in this right before yom tov, smell up the streets with fires and garbage? It makes one wonder how this truly reflects the yeshivos they attend. It is truly sad.

  13. please stop the negative comments about our wonderful nation. At a time when we celebrate Yetzias Mitzraim and becoming a nation, we should only focus on how elevated we are from other nations of the world. Anyone who puts down Klal Yisroel especially in comparison to other nations, will need a lot of Siyata Dishmaya on Leil Haseder.

    Please, I implore you, please, stop the criticism, and printing the criticism of other members of our wholly nation who are clearly in pain, full of worry, and not knowing where to turn. Be compassionate, daven for them, daven for all of us, and BE”H when we open the door, Eliyahu Hanavi will be visible to us all to take us home, all of us home. so it should be.

  14. Anonyomus April 10, 2014 at 2:02 pm says:

    Re: “(however I never said that violence is justified) but this is what the government brings us to do.”

    Your comment seem to say violence is justified because that “is what the government brings you to do”. You are saying if one tries all other channels and if they don’t work then violence is okay.

    By that logic if an Arab has a grievance with Israel and or Jews in general, and he commits a act of terror, because that is what he was brought to do, he tried all other channels and they don’t work, so violence is okay.

    Violence is never okay, not a little (burning garbage cans and throwing rocks) and not a lot (throwing rocks and bombs). END OF STORY!!!

  15. To Yoni81 who wrote “Unfortunately, what the chareidim in Eretz Yisrael fail to realize is that we live in a globally connected world.”

    The Hareidi know very well we live in a globally connected world, it is the hilonim (zionists) who don’t understand it. The zionists naively thought that most hareidim were “chicken hawks” (supporters of the right-wing pro-settlement pro-war policies who didn’t want to fight themselves but wanted us to fight) who were dependent on government welfare. They are beginning to realize that the hareidim (the one’s who are “rioting”) are anti-zionists who rely on private funding – and anti-zionist means they hold the State of Israel, and the war to establish and maintain the state, are contrary to Torah – in the eyes of the world they will be seen as highly moral, self-sacrifising opponents of a war they consider to be illegal, and the zionists will be accused of crimes against humanity for persecuting a religious minority whose only crime is refusal to go around killing people. The eyes of the world will be watching, and the zionists will be well advised to tune down their rhetoric and actions and stop trying to arrest hareidim for not wanting to join the zionist’s army.

  16. When French truck drivers demonstrate for social benefits- it’s okay. When Ukrainans and Chinese demonstrate for their beliefs- we understand; even identify. But when frum Jews demonstrate after their friend was arrested for his beliefs, suddenly all the self-hating so-called religious frauds are up in arms, suddenly worried about kiddush Hashem. Shame on every last sorry one of you. You missed the boat.

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