NYPD Commissioner Calls Nearly 10 Percent Rise In Shootings A ‘REALITY’ Of NYC Crime

bratThe following is via DNA Info:

NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton called the uptick in violence the city has been experiencing lately — fueled by a spike in shootings — a “reality” of crime in NYC.

The city has now seen a nearly 10 percent increase in shootings through May 25, with 381 compared to 347 at the same point last year, according to the latest NYPD statistics.

Bratton added that he doesn’t believe the jump is related to the department’s move away from the stop-and-frisk tactics deployed by former Commissioner Raymond Kelly and Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Despite the rise in gun violence, the number of shootings citywide also remain down over the long term. Shootings are currently 20.5 percent below where they were at the same time two years ago, and 16.3 percent five years ago.


9 Responses

  1. Bratton doesn’t believe the spike in crime is due to cutting back stop and frisk. Bring back ray kelly. While kelly has a law degree from st. john’s, bratton has a graduate degree from the david dinkins school of criminology.

  2. you know charlie this time ur right, the reason for the non fatalities might be due to the efficiency of emts and not because of this administration and its nypd’s policies

  3. This is the result of a failed end of stop and frisk. Supporters of this “progressive” mayor like Chuck Hall and NFGO3 are getting just what they voted for.

  4. Only a bleeding heart liberal fool, is able to fail to see simple cause and effect of being more passive and light handed on criminals and leaving all of their ammo and weaponry in their pockets. so that these low lifes can do target practice all over NYC. Whatever you want to say about Bloomy and Kelly they’re not stupid. Which is something that can not be necessary said about their successors.

  5. Re comment no. 4: The 10% rise in shootings in the first 5 months of 2014 over 2013 is not good news for anyone, least of all the shooting victims. But it is a long jump from that statistic to your conclusion that the jump is wholly attributable to the discontinuation of stop-and-frisk.

    And please get it out of your head that I am a supporter of Mayor deBlasio. I am still trying to figure out what he stands for and what he will do as mayor.

    If you want my opinion, please ask for it, and I will give it. In fact, more often than not, I will give my opinion even if no one asks. Just one of the things that makes New York City great.

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