PHOTO: Iron Dome Stops Missile Headed Towards Yerushalyim, Mir Bachurim Taking Photos

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21 Responses

  1. That’s the ABSOLUTE WORST PHOTO I’ve SEEN of this WHOLE affair. What a shanda. The Tzionim are away from their families, on duty, about to go into the gehenom of Aza, and our boys are doing what? taking pictures? They shouldn’t even be leaving the beis medrash to SLEEP at night. for shame. [I’ve heard some smart people say that this whole funding/lapid crisis came about mainly since the second lebanon war happened during bein hazmanim, and the tzionim saw their sons dying while ours were “off”. for shame. get back inside and learn.]

  2. Mr. ArmedJew, say the same thing without the venom! THAT, I submit, will then be a valid point! This way it shows that truly you are a hater! C’mon! Now is a time for love of other Yidden and achdut!
    Please amend your attitude and your post.

  3. why are you showing these pictures? so more people go out and endanger themselves by taking pictures? the fact that we have seen so many nissin with the iron dome does not allow us not to do our histadlus!
    please remove all photos articles like these.

  4. this picture was taken right before r’ asher arieli gives shiur and 500 bachurim and areichim (inc myself) were changing from their second seder beis medrash to the shiur room (i didnt even hear the siren in the bm i was learning in. the kol torah is what took down those rockets) . the oilam should have kaf zchus. and the smoke trails stayed a few minutes after siren went off so this pic does not say anything about where these boys were during the siren.

  5. I was there. It was actually between sedarim and the Bochurim were passing by the trail of smoke which was left after the iron dome interception.
    Miracles are a way of life here. The 10 tehilim that have the gematria of כיפת ברזל “iron dome” are 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, 150 = 749. Rebbe Nachman revealed these 10 kapitlach over 200 years ago and said it is a great protection from everything.
    It is not the Iron Dome that is doing the miracles it is our tefillos. And many of the miracles are happening despite the iron dome for example the first rocket that hit Jerusalem destroyed an empty house, others landed in open fields.

  6. I have never responded to blogs until now. My son learns in the Mir and was coming out as well AFTER Seder having no clue that the sirens went off. He did not hear it in the be is midrash. So stop with the nasty comments and instead daven and above all דן לכך זכות

  7. Seriously????? Did I just read that??? Let me put this as bluntly as I can. Firstly easy for you all balhabatim sitting in your comfy office chairs reading the news, I wonder what your actions would be if you hear a siren not knowing if a missile can explode on your building.
    Secondly as correctly stated above this was before r Osher arielis shiur when all bochrim are going to a different building and happened to be outside AFTER taking cover.
    And thirdly, in no connection to the above two points, what’s with all the hate?? It’s like people are trying to come up with reasons to stam hack. Some comments even sounded like Lapid himself, why are you chareidim not learning when there’s a siren??! I’m shocked. People, get your priorities straight and instead of looking for criticism all day, do a bit of self reflection because that’s clearly what hashem wants here, definitely not hack hack hack…
    Sorry for bluntness but these comments really are uncalled for…

  8. I was there the smaoke stayed in the sky for at least 20 minutes after the siren. I also did not here the siren and only saw the smoke when I went outside, after hearing that the siren went off from someone else, to call my wife and tell her I was ok and make sure she was as well.

  9. Well Mr. ArmedJew, now that it has been explained, where is your public apology to those you so viciously maligned, huh?There wouldn’t by any chance happen to be any hatred toward בני תורה involved, would there now?

  10. I see 2 /3 people in the photo. I spoke to a Mirrer, he told me that wher he was was packed .
    Why look at 3 and not the 7000

  11. I see 2 /3 people in the photo. I spoke to a Mirrer, he told me that where he was was packed and everyone was learning behasmadah.
    Why look at 3 and not the 7000

  12. “I see 2 /3 people in the photo. I spoke to a Mirrer, he told me that where he was was packed and everyone was learning behasmadah.
    Why look at 3 and not the 7000” In the new video YWN is headlining on the home page you can CLEARLY see a crowd in front of the MIR. Mordechai Hatzadik would not approve. when the klal is under attack, a bochur’s nose should be attached to the gemara with a stream of tears…. not taking pictures and gawking. (Not to mention the rav shach story where he wouldn’t look at the skyscraper)

  13. Please see the end of “Video of Interest: Iron Dome Intercepts Hamas Rockets Fired Over Jerusalem, Israel ” on the YWN home page. Where’s the madrich? Where’s the Rebbe? Rockets in the sky? GET BACK IN AND SAY TEHILLIM!

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