President Barack Obama’s top spokesman says the United States is determined to help the French apprehend those responsible for the attack on a satirical Paris newspaper that left at least 12 people dead.
Press secretary Josh Earnest says U.S. officials have been in close contact with the French after the bloody attack today on the Charlie Hebdo weekly.
Earnest tells CNN the French have been “stalwart allies” in the U.S. fight against Islamic State extremists. The spokesman also says, “We know they are not going to be cowed by this terrible act.”
3 Responses
If i were israel i would come out condemn this “militant attack” and ask the French to take a very cautious and appropriate response!!! But of course we got a bunch of wussys running the country
Will the great John Kerry and Susan Rice come out with a strong worded “statement” to the French, warning them “not to escalate the violence” and “both sides” have to calm down???
Oh right, its only those Evil Israeli’s that have to play by those rules!
N Obama Esq. – it is your kow towing to the muslim terrorists that has sown the seeds of worldwide terrorism. And what does “US Stands With French In Time Of Suffering” actually mean? Is it that N Obama Esq had his early morning coffee standing up and drank a French blend? All N Obama Esq is bothered about is playing golf.