A 14-year-old resident of the Ramot neighborhood of Yerushalayim underwent complicated brain surgery after sustaining a fall while trying to take a selfie. Also taking part in the complicated surgery in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital were maxillofacial and plastic surgeons.
“Yosef never believed his innocent act would end as it did as he climbed onto a boulder to take a selfie but the boulder broke apart from under him”, his mother explained from outside the surgical pediatric ICU.
An older brother explains that his friends were there watching and they turned for a moment and when they turned back around “he was gone. He simply disappeared” he explained.
Leading the surgery was prominent senior Hadassah neurosurgeon Dr. Emil Margolin, who explained the complicated surgery lasted four hours. Officials in the recovery unit on Sunday, 25 Tammuz, listed Yosef in moderate/stable condition. He is not intubated or sedated and all involved are davening that he will awaken without neurological impairment.
His mother sends a message to children, to take care when climbing and doing other actions to enhance their selfies, calling on them to stop the practice. No name is given for tefilos.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
3 Responses
All the Gedolei Hador, Chassidish, Litvish, Sepharadi and Yeshivish [in alphabetical order] have prohibited the use of telephones with cameras. Need more be said?
…a selfie is taking a picture of yourself with your cell phone
what is a “selfie”?