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Jerusalem Housing Shortage: You Can Rent Anything

2The housing shortage in Israel is felt by everyone looking for an affordable apartment to rent and during the summer months, many Israelis move for one reason or another. The situation in Jerusalem is more difficult than many other areas, so much so landlords are aware it is a renters market, permitting them to ask for high rent and at times, even giving a less than desirable apartment.

In one case, in the Nachlaot neighborhood near Shuk Machane Yehuda, the landlord includes the fact the apartment leaks in the rental contract, informing future tenants of the need to place a bucket under the leaky areas. Nachlaot is in big demand and often people rent apartments that are substandard, but ‘go for it’ to be in the trendy SoHo neighborhood in the heart of the capital.

When the person checking into the rental saw the contract, he was somewhat surprised to see the clause regarding the leaks when it rains. The landlord is well aware that with rental availability being what it is, there are people who will take the apartment with its leaks. In this case, the person explains he almost signed but then read the clause about the leaks, adding “I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry”. He passed on renting this apartment.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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