PM Netanyahu Meets with Representatives of Bereaved Families from the Wave of Terrorism

1Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday, 9 Adar I, in Jerusalem, met with representatives of bereaved families from the wave of terrorism; he acceded to the families’ request to meet with him in order to discuss how they are coping with loss and bereavement.

“We have come to you out of pain,” one bereaved sister said. “We have come to strengthen you, that you should do everything so that this does not recur.”

The families’ representatives asked that consideration be given to the possibility of expelling terrorists’ families to Gaza and of shortening the time necessary for the demolition of terrorists’ homes. The Prime Minister explained that steps are being taken to move forward on them but added that they are encountering legal difficulties.

Prime Minister Netanyahu noted the actions being taken by the IDF and the Israel Police and told the families that he understands their pain as a member of the same family of the bereaved: “Your stories are heart-rending. We have been in a war against terrorism for 100 years. We are fighting and winning all the time. We will defeat this wave as well. We are in a protracted struggle. I am telling you the plain truth. We are being affected by the global whirlwind of radical Islam.”

The families presented the Prime Minister with a document listing their recommendations for the continuation of the fight against the wave of terrorism.

Not long following the meeting there was another fatal attack, in a supermarket in Shar Binyamin. A 21-year-old husband and father was murdered in the attack and another man injured.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photo: Kobi Gideon, GPO)

One Response

  1. The plainer truth is that this century of terrorism began (and got progressively much worse) as a result of the Zionist invasion of Eretz Yisrael over a century ago.

    Various provocations like, for example, the “Religious Zionists” insisting on Jewish control of the Kosel – against the wishes of Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld – a century ago resulted in the savages perpetrating the Chevron Massacre.

    Since then, the “situation” has deteriorated tremendously despite the vaunted army of the Zionists and all the Jewish blood they’ve sacrificed on the idolatrous altar of their heretical and fraudulent “Jewish Nationalism” and “Jewish State”.

    At this point, the Zionists, who so deride the “galut Jew”, now want to (spend billions of dollars) make their State into one big ghetto (walls all around) and want all their citizens to be armed, to prevent the savages from attacking, CH”V.

    That kind of State, never mind that it is strictly against Jewish law, doesn’t seem like it was worth any Jewish blood, much less tens of thousands of dead Jews and their broken families, etc. that the Zionists sacrificed, not to mention the billions of dollars that could have instead been used for Jewish purposes, especially when the native Jews in then-Palestine begged the Zionists to stop their invasion and leave them all alone.

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