Uman: Jewish Cemetery Uncovered Near Rav Nachman’s Tziyun

umanIn recent years, Jews have been buying apartments in Uman, near the tziyun of Rav Nachman, particularly members of the Breslov Chassidus. A number of months ago Jewish businessmen purchased some old homes in the area near Pushnika Square, not far from the tziyun. They planned to raze the old buildings and build apartments to rent to Yidden visiting the kever.

As the work was underway to take down the old homes; bones and caskets were discovered, signaling it was once a Jewish cemetery, hundreds of years ago. The Eida Chareidis has become involved, prohibiting anyone from building at the site, which the rabbonim believe was indeed a cemetery.

Pashkavilim were posted in Yerushalayim for “asking mechila” from the niftarim, which will take place in the Breslov Beis Medrash in Meah Shearim headed by prominent rabbonim including HaRav HaTzaddik Rav Yaakov Meir Schechter and HaRav HaTzaddik Rav Shmuel Moshe Kramer.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Please stop calling notices signed by rabbonim “Pashkavilim”.

    The term refers to notices that contain anonymous and disrespectful attacks.

  2. To No. 1

    Do you really believe its “great” that yidden are pouring money into the one of the most anti-Semitic countries in the World to build vacation condos for Breslov chassidim who come to Uman to visit the ohel of Rav Nachman?? Or do are you being sarcastic with regard to the fact that another development project is being obstructed because a few rabbonim several thousand kilometers away have decided their may have been some kevorim on the building site.

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