Trying To Get Back On My Feet (Literally)

jcnimagefeet[SPONSORED POST]

It was a regular Shmini Atzeres on a Monday morning, my family went to our parents house to join them for the Yom Tov meal. As a lot of families have their minhag to go say good bye to the Sukkah before the meal and have a little kiddish so did our family.

We are ke”h a family of full size people and as we stepped onto the porch – 9 of us in total – the whole porch was just disconnected from the house and collapsed, our whole family fell down 12 feet onto a concrete patio that was underneath the porch.

It was chaos, I was there with my wife and my 2 year old daughter, my sister was there with her 3 week old newborn, it was just a frightened scene. B”H that we all made it out alive and only broke some bones and some bruises.

We were rushed into Westchester Medical Hospital right away and we started to get the help we need.

I shorlty learned that I broke the tip of my leg where the ankle meets, I needed to go under surgery right away in order to connect the bones back together, however, they had to wait a few days for the swelling to go down before going into Surgery.

B”H everything went ok with the Surgery and I was in Westechester for about 10days before being released.

At the same time, my wife has broken her back, B”H it wasn’t so serious and she was able to walk around right away, and my daughter also broke her foot.

We as a family were completely paralyzed from one day to the next, I couldn’t help my wife and child and my wife couldn’t help me and my child, but B”H to a family member who was able take us in their home and we were able to rest.

Some time has passed from the incident and now we are about to go home. However, being self employed as a handyman I was unable to work for the last two months and I won’t be able to get back on my feet for another two months.

I used my last penny to push through until now, but I cannot push through anymore and I don’t have away to make an income until I’m back on my feet. 

I do need this amount to help me push thru for the next few months. 

I do hope that you can help out and help our little family get back to normal.

Hashem should help all Yidden in need…

Tizku Lemitzvos!




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