More Than 660 Sanitation Workers Called In Sick During Bloomberg-Blizzard

Between 660 and 720 Sanitation workers called in sick for the cleanup of last week’s blizzard — more than double the usual rate, The Post has learned.

About 11 to 12 percent of the Sanitation Department’s 6,000-strong force didn’t show up for work on Monday or Tuesday, city officials confirmed, as 20 inches of snow brought the Apple to a near-standstill.

The spotty snow response sparked reports of a deliberate slowdown by some Sanitation supervisors angered by City Hall cost-cutting measures. The Department of Investigation is looking into the allegations.

(Source: NY Post)

7 Responses

  1. if this was a deliberate work slow down, in time of an emergency,
    The leaders should be found and tried for criminal charges in the deaths that resulted because the streets where not passable by EMS.

  2. Moe: How can you call them lazy bum? They organized the slow down didn’t they? And besides how can you begrudge them sticking up for their civil rights? It is, after all, the government’s obligation to support them, and their right to get paid whatever they demand regardless of the effect it will have on the future of the city, state, country. Mayor Bloomberg should dismiss them all.

  3. Let’s remember the storm hit during a holiday week when the sanitation emplyees kids are home from school. So I would think that many would use up their sick days,adding the fact that they expire on new years.

  4. If there was really a slowdown the leaders and workers responsible show be tried in a court of law for treason since the US is involved in a “War on Terrorism” and this had the potential of preventing Police, fire and emergency personnel from doing their work in any terror act.

  5. #4 — I’m not familiar with the sanitation workers contract, but many city contracts (such as the one with the teachers’ union) do not allow individuals to take “sick days” unless they are sick. A “sick day” is not the same thing as a vacation day or “personal leave” day. So anyone who is using sick days because their kids are off from school or because they are expiring may actually in violation of the contract.

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