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El Al Reaching Out to Chareidim

el al.jpgMostly Music is proud to announce the mehadrin audio & video channels on El Al Israel Airlines.  Many Jewish music fans are already enjoying the Mostly Music – Jewish Music channel on all El Al flights, and as of March 1, 2008 they will also provide a mehadrin Video channel on all El Al flights, which will include a very interesting program, to make your flight more enjoyable.

Additionally, El Al is considering a proposal to offer a Torah/Shiurim channel to it’s passengers. “The company is certainly thinking of operating a special channel for the [Chareidi] sector on the VOD services on our planes,” a company official told the Maariv newspaper.

According to Maariv, the channel will most likely include Daf Yomi Shiurim.

17 Responses

  1. Hakoras Hatov to the Gedolai HaDor for encouraging El Al to be Shomer Shabbos. Mitzvah Goreres Mitzvah.

    Now I am beginning to believe that when the time comes for the Geulah Shleimah BB”A, the Pasuk “VaEsa Eschem Al Kanfei Nesharim, VaAvi Eschem Elai” refers to El Al airplanes.

  2. what a great idea
    thanks for finally remembering that a good precent of the passengers especialy bein hazmanin times are chreidei
    hey and maybe they will add yeshivahworld too

  3. It’s about time too…the choice of videos on EL AL is absoloutly disgusting…I was on one of their planes a few days ago looking for something interesting and kosher but to no avail…

    It s a disgrace that a jewish airline can fall so low…but b”h at leat now there will be ONE kosher channel…

  4. The Torah/Shiurim channel sounds wonderful. They will not only be reaching out to Chareidi but to all yidden that access it. Wow–nice kiruv opportunity!
    Maybe as that channel takes off, they can integrate the popular inspirational speakers from across the globe. Much hatzlocha.

  5. Rabbosai! Please stop making fun of them (the shabbos jokes). When a secular organization tries to make things more “ma’atim” for its frum clientele, they should be thanked and encouraged. Enjoy the shiurim on board!

  6. I’m in agreement with number 10. ElAL doesn’t owe anyone anything. Did you know all thir fruits and vegetables are kosher for shmitta mehadrin min hamehadrin? That’s a new thing that they have done to accommodate us hareidi jews. I just flew this week and enjoyed the mostly music channel. It was very nice. And as far as video, everyone has a choice to put it on. You don’t ‘have’ to watch the treife stuff on your own or your neighbors screen. nobody is putting a gun to your head (you hope.)

  7. i think its very inportent to have the option of a kosher video on the plain.
    i fly to isreala few times a year(4-6)& latly im seeing more & more HEIMESHE Looking like yeshiveshe & chasidishe yiden whaching the screen in front of them, & ir aint the video of the miles left to fly…
    i think its time to get some kosher ones for the frum olem.
    btw, im not sure im right but i think it needs a good look in from the real gedolim.

  8. I wish they would give out AMBIAN’s to each passenger so you could sleep and wake up to sunny, blue sky, beautiful ERetz Yisroel.
    (Can’t you decide what you want to do for the 10-11 hr trip, read a book,newspaper (or sefer), bring your laptop, recite tehillim, DVD player for a kosher film, CD player, MP3 and listen to a shiur, write poetry, floss your teeth, talk politely to the next door neighbor, etc.)

  9. #12, normalperson you are just plain wrong. Even though the movie in front of me is turned off there is a big screen in the front showing the video. Easy to say just don’t look, when your bored stiff traveling for 12 hours. I admire you for your self control. Secondly, all of a sudden it becomes okay that El-Al was ready to travel on Shabbos because they are offering us kosher music? I think we are confused! They may be doing things to make the Frum feel more at home on their secular, disgusting, (I can get more in detail, but I won’t)flight, put please don’t forget who you are dealing with.

  10. I definitely do think that we all need to thank El Al for making their flights more accommodating for charedim, and we need to show them our appreciation and thanks, but lets not forget that El Al is not doing this because they all of a sudden care about and love the charedim so much. It’s all a marketing tactic. With the new flying regulations El Al now has more competition, so rule #1 in business is if there is competition, you need to introduce something that your competitor does not have, you need to gain a competitive edge. That is exactly what El Al is doing, they are trying to come up with new ways to attract customers and not loose their competitive edge. That does not change how we Charedim need to react to what they are doing for us. We all need to show El Al how much we appreciate these new accommodations- especially since we know El Al doesn’t particularly love charedim. Make a Kiddush Hashem! Thank them, and appreciate these new amenities, and take advantage of them, and most importantly- Enjoy it!

  11. we all know wghats gonna happen.

    the programming will be banned because there are shiurim from that rebbe, and not that rebbe. that rosh yeshiva, and not that rosh yeshiva, and that rosh yeshiva was on program 3, while the other was program 7.

    and of course, there was a lubavitcher on (who luckily was not a meshichist) and litvaks are not allowed to listen anything near that program.

    and a commercial for a product that the wrong badatz, etc

  12. BYGirl B”H you have been raised to believe that the world revolves around frum people. There is a whole world of people who are not frum. ElAl is run by frei people. They were raised that way. They are not being frei to upset frum people. They are like a tinok shenishba. They just do what they know. So stop being so holier than though and how horrible they are that they weren’t so careful about shabbos. They are under better guidance now and are much more aware of how important this issue is for the frum traveler. They are trying and deserve credit for it. Learn how to forgive and forget a little.

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