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Stubborn Peleg Protester Released From Prison Only To Return To Protesting

In Jerusalem, a hearing was held on Wednesday 17 Iyar to extend the remand of the protestors held in Jerusalem Tuesday night night, at the end of which most of the chareidim were released.

As usual, the released prisoners signed a restraining order from participating in similar demonstrations in the future and deposited a financial guarantee for this purpose, with the exception of three who refused to sign, and therefore will remain in detention for some time.

One of the demonstrators who was sent to house arrest is particularly interesting. A year ago he was arrested for assaulting a policeman and releasing a child who was held in a police car. He was convicted in court and punished by half a year of community service, but he did not want to “make a deal with the Zionists” and was therefore sent to Massiyahu Prison in Ramle for four months.

A few days ago, the protester ended his sentence and arrived at his home – where his wife and small children were waiting – but he stubbornly returned to the scene of the demonstration last night, where he was again arrested and sent to house arrest.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. If I were a Police Officer I really wouldn’t be as generous with the punishment for Peleg Protesters. They wouldn’t be receiving the harsh of harshness, according to the law.

  2. This time around, throw him in a prison cell with drunks, murderers and terrorists and feed him week old chulent for a moth or two. He will then come crawling to the warden begging for another chance. and promising to avoid future demonstrations.

  3. *מי כעמך ישראל *גוי אחד בארץ
    המחלל שם שמים בפרהסיה אין לא חלק לעולם הבא

  4. To Take2: Your invocation of “mi kamocha yisroel” rings hollow and is an insult to the 90+ percent o Israelis who would like to see these hoodlums thrown into jail or worse. Endowing garbage with martydom in the name of kiddush hashem is more likely to have you and yours looking in from the outside into olam habah.

  5. Gadolhadorah
    May 3, 2018 12:01 pm at 12:01 pm
    To Take2: Your invocation of “mi kamocha yisroel” rings hollow and is an insult to the 90+ percent o Israelis who would like to see these hoodlums thrown into jail or worse. Endowing garbage with martydom in the name of kiddush hashem is more likely to have you and yours looking in from the outside into olam habah.
    Gadol hador this is not the first time you read a half sentence. Also i put an astrik around the words גוי אחד. Learn to read Buddy, its not that difficult!

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