HEIGHT OF HYPOCRISY: Nikki Haley Blasts Security Council’s ‘Outrageous’ Failure To Condemn Hamas For Rocket Attacks [VIDEO]

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley blasted the Security Council on Wednesday for failing to condemn Hamas rocket attacks on Israel, accusing the international body of bias weeks after another UN panel backed a probe into Israeli actions on the Gaza border.

The US had called an emergency session of the council for Wednesday over the rocket firings, hoping to secure a statement of condemnation. But Kuwait, a non-permanent member, blocked the move, and is rather offering a conflicting resolution calling for “international protection” for the Palestinian people.

“It is outrageous for the Security Council to fail to condemn Hamas rocket attacks against Israeli citizens while the Human Rights Council approves sending a team to investigate Israeli actions taken in self-defense,” Haley said before the council meeting called to discuss the flare-up on the Gaza border.

“I urge the members of the Security Council to exercise at least as much scrutiny of the actions of the Hamas terrorist group as it does Israel’s legitimate right of self-defense.”

“The people of Gaza do not need protection from an external source. The people of Gaza need protection from Hamas,” Haley said.

“It is outrageous for the Security Council to fail to condemn Hamas rockets attacks against Israeli civilians….You would think no one would want to side with Hamas over its rocket launches. But the statement was blocked.”

“Apparently some council members didn’t think Hamas launching rockets qualified as terrorism but the United States begs to differ.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. Un-Believe-able!!
    I’m a critic, I know. But someone explain why she reads through her notes like a teacher is reading a history book instead of raising her voice and emphasizing the words like terrorism and kindergarten school, etc when speaking of such important and life-threatening incidences in Gaza and Israel. It’s just hard to listen to her calm and soft voice, especially because it doesn’t match the seriousness and urgency of her content. Having said that, sitting there in the lion’s den, with outright anti-Semites, Ms Haley deserves all the praises reserved that of Heroines.

  2. Most under appreciated president!
    All he has done for us Jews , is stand up for us!!
    How shameful it is that there are still many who attack him.

  3. Suggest you change the title to “UN Hypocrispy…”—clearer title.

    I failed English composition at Rutgers, hopefully, I have improved !!!

    Suggest all Jews do more Talmud Torah, more davvening and more Chesed !!!

    A goy,
    Gerry Mullen, Riverside, N.J.

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