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Some Suprising IDF Statistics

This March’s draft marks a 4 percent increase in the number of new IDF recruits requesting to serve in combat positions.  Another notable statistic was the total 1 percent increase of those who actually serve in combat positions. 71.3 percent of all soldiers were assigned to combat positions during last year’s March recruitment and this March 72.2 percent of all soldiers were assigned to combat positions.

Another impressive figure was released concerning the rise of those interested in serving in the Infantry Corps. The Golani Brigade is the most requested of the infantry brigades, with an average of 3.5 requests for every position in the brigade in contrast to 2 requests for every position last March.  In the Nachal Brigade an increase of those interested in serving was also reported, with 2.5 requests for every position in the brigade. This is a significant increase in requests for Nachal from last year’s average of 1.9 requests per position. There has also been a rise of those interested in serving in the Anti-Aircraft Missile units, the Border Police, the Armor Corps the Combat Engineering Corps and Field Intelligence.

“This is one of the first groups of enlistees that have lived through the past war,” said a senior officer in the Human Resources Branch. “There is a sense of trust in the army; people have seen the improvements the IDF has made since the past war.”  The same officer noted that although on a whole the number of enlistees has decreased, the combat forces will not suffer from lack of manpower because of the high rate of those who are interested in serving in combat positions.

This March’s draft sees 800 enlistees from the Hesder Program for Yeshiva students, 700 of whom will be placed into combat positions. Of those assigned to combat positions, 270 will be serving in units in the Armor Corps and the Golani, Givati, Paratrooper and Kfir Brigades.

During this month’s draft and for the first time, those who request to serve in combat positions will receive early notice whether they have been accepted. Those who will be accepted to the Combat Engineering Corps, the Artillery Corps and Field Intelligence will also, for the first time, be personally visited by an officer of their assigned brigade. “This is all a part of the many improvements being implemented with particular intent to strengthen connection with the enlistees,” explained the senior officer in the Human Resources Branch mentioned above.

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