Chareidi Protest Against Toeiva Parade in the Capital Planned

Hundreds of pashkavilim were thrown on the streets of Jerusalem on Wednesday, announcing a planned protest against the Toeiva Parade, scheduled to take place in the holy city R”L on Thursday, 21 Menachem Av.

The protest is set to begin at 4:00PM, meeting at the intersection of King David and Bloomfield Streets.

Thousands of participants from Israel and around the world are expected to turn out for the parade.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. Its about time someone stands up to these animals, but If its not an organized protest under some organization its worthless. Just having some kids yell fooo and gevald doesn’t help us either.
    My friend’s boss was at a gym in Los Angels. A man went into the women’s dressing room claiming he identifies as female. There was a commotion and my friends boss and the women who complained were thrown out of the gym. Sick and getting sicker.

  2. What’s wrong with the parade it’s about time the Jewish community accepts everyone no matter what that’s the reason why there is so much hatred in Judaism we should all come together and be good with eachother all we want is inclusion there is no reason for protests

  3. baruch hashem our partners in eretz yisrael are not remaining silent. they should have much hatzlacha in making a kiddush hashem.

  4. @Yiddish77, WHAT??? if someone would be shaiming and poking fun at your father, would you not rais your vioce in protest?? shteit in tehilim, tachlis sina sanaisa umimeskomimecha eskotet… those who hate i will hate and those who fight with you iwill fight, thats its a mitzva to do this.

  5. disgusting that the idiot liberal government both national and local can accept these perverts as being humans.

    God shared His opinion:

    “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” (Leviticus 18:22)

    “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” (Leviticus 20:13)

  6. Here’s a tefilla I wrote some years ago about the march (it received the approval of R’ Yaakov Meir Shechter, shlita, and Rav Aharon Fischer, shlita) and gave out at a counter demonstration. No one objected and some expressed appreciation. Somewhere I have an English version but can’t find it at the moment. Those who understand Hebrew please say it:

    תפלה על המשתתפים בעצרת התועבה
    רבונו של עולם, גלוי וידוע לפניך שבין המשתתפים בעצרת התועבה יש הרבה נשמות קדושות של יהודים יקרים מאד, נשמות שבעוונותינו הרבים נפלו בין הקליפות ר”ל, תנוקות שנשבו בין האומות, אבל בכל זאת הנשמות שבראת בהם טהורות הן ואע”פ שחטאו ישראלים הם ואין דבר שעומד בפני התשובה, ואין אתה חפץ במות המת כי אם בשובו מדרכו וחיה, ובהיות שכל ישראל ערבים זה בזה עלינו להתחנן לפניך אבינו שבשמים שתחוס ותרחם על הנשמות האומללות האלו ותחתור חתירה מתחת כסא כבודך ותחזירם בתשובה שלמה לפניך שיקבלו כולם עליהם עול מלכות שמים בלבב שלם ובקרוב יקוים בהם מה שאמרו חכמינו זכרונם לברכה במקום שבעלי תשובה עומדים אין צדיקים גמורים יכולים לעמוד, ואע”פ שאמרו חז”ל שהכל בידי שמים חוץ מיראת שמים, הלא דייק על זה בעל החזון איש זי”ע שאינו מוכרח שהחוטא בעצמו צריך להתעורר לחזור אליך רק שאין זה בידי שמים דווקא אלא שאם מישהו פה בארץ יבקש עליו רחמים אז אתה מרחם עליו ומעורר אותו לחזור אליך, וכמו שבקש ר’ מאיר רחמים על הנהו בריוני דהוו בשבבותיה והדרו בתשובה, ולכן הנני לבקש שיתעוררו רחמיך האינסופיים על כל הנשמות האלו שאפשר להצילן מבאר שחת ושתחזירם בתשובה שלימה לפניך (וכמו כן לשאר חוטאי ישראל), וכמו שהרבה מהם כבר שבו אליך וחיים היום חיים של קדושה וטהרה ועי”ז מקדשים שמיך באופן הכי גדול, אמן נצח סלה ועד.

  7. I feel sad that I’ve lived to see such a day.
    Each year it gets worse.
    It starts by giving them a small concession and, G-d forbid, grows until the G-d fearing people become like a minority begging for rights to observe their religion.
    They want funds to help them in adoption, later they will be closing any adoption agency that has religious qualms about permitting s-s “couples” to adopt.(like in MA,CA, NY, and other states in the US)
    Israel needs to pass a law immediately that will renege the recognition of s-s “marriages” from abroad.
    They are nothing “special” but rather just two people that have no status.
    Trouble is, once they make inroads then everyone wants to show how “tolerant” they are. (This includes the PM’s wife, speaking for her husband, and, at times, even members of religious parties)
    The ruling “right-wing” party has to answer to the social conservatives, or else be broken up.
    Really, most Israelis, are not tolerant of this, B”H for the traditional Sephardim.
    Really the main problem is the courts, they aim to make Israel like the rest of the nations.
    I’m not going to the demonstration, too old and sick, but I will pray that H’ will dissolve the enemies of His Torah and those who follow it.

  8. Baruch hashem Charadim are also protesting this, I was very disturbed when I only saw Dati Lumy, protesting this parade should have at least 200,000 to match the gays protest in Tel Aviv a few weeks ago.

    I do hope that all forms of charadim and dati leumi join the protest, no segment of klal yisroil should be absent

    such achdus for a milchemes hashem can just bring mashiach.

    I urge all those who are with in traveling distance from Yerushalyim to join the protest

  9. Wow, so YWN has become a supporter of Neturei Karta! The “holy” text of Israel’s declaration of independence cannot be published. But, comments that revile and defame frum Jews are OK?

  10. I retract this last comment of mine re; NK. I forgot which article I had originally posted my declaration of independence comment, that was, in fact, published on a different article. I apologize for the mistake.

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