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Shnit Committee to Recommend Change in Custody Law

In a most significant event, the Justice Ministry Shnit Committee, headed by Prof. Dan Shnit, will recommend a drastic change in the current custody law that dictates all children under the age of 6 are remanded to the custody of a mother in cases of divorce. The current law stipulates that children under six are always placed in the custody of a mother, which has become the practice in the nation’s Family Court system, with rare exceptions in extenuating circumstances.

According to the new plan, which addresses joint responsibility, both the mother and father would enjoy the rights and privileges regarding the children, even those under six.

At present, the major recommended change will be submitted to Justice Minister Daniel Friedman for review, and eventually, a bill seeking to amend the law will be submitted to Knesset in the hope lawmakers will raise their hands in support of the new law, which seeks to give increased rights to fathers as well as children, seeking to permit children to spend their time with both parents.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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