NEW TREND? Arabs Attack Chareidim And Post Videos On TikTok

Following the incident in which a 14-year-old yeshivah bochur was slapped on the face by an Arab on the Jerusalem light rail, there have been several additional incidents of Chareidim being attacked or harassed by Arabs, with some of the incidents documented by the Arabs involved and posted on TikTok.

Over the weekend, Israel Police arrested a resident of east Jerusalem who threw a Chareidi man to the ground, later posting a video of the incident on TikTok and other social media platforms.

Another video posted on TikTok shows Arabs throwing rocks at a Chareidi man on Friday night by Sha’ar Shechem, leaving the man with bleeding wounds.

Yet another video shows Arabs harassing yeshivah bochurim by knocking down their hats from their heads.

On Motzei Shabbos, Arabs threw stones at the #3 bus to the Kosel, shattering a window.

Also, following yet another incident, police arrested two Arabs who violently attacked and robbed two yeshivah bochurim at the Neve Yaakov intersection on Thursday night.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Does Biden have any comment on this? Or maybe he just wants to support Iran, a symbol of his anti-Israel, pro-terror sentiment?

  2. Again, targeting even pious anti Zionist Jews. And lefty liberals haven’t got the memo of Arab racism. Which proceeded the “conflict.”

  3. #1, What does Biden have to do with this? This is an internal Israeli problem. Last time I checked Biden is not the Prime Minister of Israel. Biden should deal with American issues and Israel should deal with Israel issues.

  4. these arabs YM”S all need petch, they touch jews, jews touch them. there needs to be a heavy police presents in areas where jews walk between arabs ie. yaffo, haneveim, shivtei yisrael, kikar zacs, bar ilan… the police need to start being very aggressive with these punks

  5. @Git Meshige
    Please stop commenting because your comments are just DUMB! Biden is supporting iran so they could bomb Isreal! I guarantee you voted for Biden! And if I’m right, (which I probably am) You probably regret it!

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