A Miracle in Kfar Chabad – A Family Saved from Mid-Night Blaze

fire9_m1.jpgDamage to portions of a home in the Levi Yitzchak Bet neighborhood of Kfar Chabad was extensive when a fire erupted on motzei Shabbos.

At about 1:00AM, a neighbor saw smoke bellowing out of a window of a home and began pounding on the door and shouting, calling on the young couple to get out. The residents did awaken, but it was too late to use the door as an exit.

In the meantime, neighbors began gathering and fire, police and EMS were summoned.

The couple threw mattresses and pillows from a second story window of their home and then their 2.5 and 1-year-old children, to the safe waiting arms of residents. The couple then jumped onto the mattresses. They were all transported to Assaf HaRofeh Hospital treated for soft tissue injuries and light smoke inhalation.

Baruch Hashem, the smoke was detected in time to save the family. Firefighters arrived and extinguished the blaze. Extensive damage was reported to portions of the home.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. I wonder if they had a smoke detector? I suspect they didn’t or else they would have been woken up by the noise and gotten out earlier. Hashem had ruchamim on them and sent a neighbor to save them. This is a wake up call for the klal to get smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.

  2. BK:

    You can’t always know. When I was a six year old child, there was a fire in my parents’s home. We
    had smoke detectors, but they were defective, and failed to sound. A few of my siblings and I were in the hospital for two days with smoke inhalation. My oldest sister almost died and was on a respirator, unconscious in the ICU for a week. Thank God we all recovered fully.

    But you are right that everyone should make sure that they HAVE smoke detectors, and they MUST WORK, so periodic testing is a necessity if you value the lives of your loved ones.

  3. Quick thinking from the neighbors and a soft fall is a smart idea. Buy every chasan and kallah a smoke detector as an engagement gift, they will thank you many times over.

  4. 2- I don’t know how many ppl in america would have smoke detectors if it wasn’t the law, and I’m not sure that it is mandated in israel… awareness is impt though- I’m not trying to minimize its importance.. I’m surprised the FD showed up at all- they are notorious for having an atrocious response time in isreal, causing more deaths then terrorist bombs- esp for “jaws of life” in car accident situations- they have been known to take hours to show up or not at all. it’s awful.

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