Netanyahu Slams Bennett, Lapid: “Irresponsible Talk On Ukraine, Silence On Iran”

Knesset Channel screenshot.

Opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu slammed Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid for their lack of restraint in their comments on the situation in Ukraine while maintaining silence on the impending nuclear deal with Iran.

“These are complex and sensitive days in the international arena,” Netanyahu said in the Knesset on Monday. “During such days, it’s appropriate to adopt positions with the utmost caution. Unfortunately, in recent days we hear too many unnecessary statements and too many false predictions.”

Netanyahu is, of course, referring to the delicate situation in Syria, where Russia controls the airspace over Israel’s northern border. Israel relies on Russian approval and military coordination to carry out strikes against Iran-backed militia groups that threaten Israel’s security.

Lapid announced on Monday that Israel will back a United Nations resolution against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, saying it is Israel’s “moral obligation.”

What Lapid seems to forget is that the very Western nations pressuring Israel to condemn Russia focus much of their time on their “moral obligation” to condemn Israel and support the Palestinians.

“I call on the government to act with responsibility,” Netanyahu warned, “to speak less about what’s unnecessary to speak about, and occupy themselves much more and speak much more about the true existential threat to our security – and this is of course the imminent return to the dangerous nuclear agreement with Iran – the deal that threatens our very existence.”

“And davka on this matter, Lapid and Bennett aren’t saying anything and aren’t doing anything,” Netanyahu ominously concluded.

Apparently, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s adviser understands what Bennett and Lapid don’t – that Israel must avoid taking positions on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“Everyone in Ukraine understands that Israel is in a special position and has difficulty taking an unequivocal stance due to the situation in Syria and the Middle East,” Oleksiy Arestovych told Kan News. “Ukraine understands that Israel must defend itself and its interests, and we support that.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Once Mashiach comes, the Zionist regime will be history, regardless.
    But, yes, the former Zionist leader is right that the Zionist minister’s remark about Russia seemed to be one of the most ill-advised statements ever made in foreign policy.

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