NOT DONE YET: Trump Wins CPAC Presidential Straw Poll in Blowout Fashion

Former President Donald Trump gestures as he departs Trump Tower, Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2022, in New York, on his way to the New York attorney general's office for a deposition in a civil investigation. (AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson)

At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Saturday, Former President Donald Trump won the straw poll for the 2024 GOP nomination by a significant margin, receiving 62% of the vote.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis came in second with 20%, while long-shot GOP candidate Perry Johnson received 5% support. Over 2,000 attendees completed the poll.

Kari Lake, the Republican Arizona gubernatorial nominee in 2022, received the most support for vice presidential candidate with 20%, and DeSantis received 14% support.

Trump also won the 2024 GOP presidential nomination straw polls at major CPAC gatherings in Orlando, Florida and Dallas, Texas last year.

Since his 2016 presidential election victory, CPAC has become a Trumpfest, and the former president remains the most popular and influential politician in the GOP more than two years after leaving the White House. DeSantis is widely expected to launch a Republican White House run later this year, even though he currently remains on the 2024 sidelines.

DeSantis saw his popularity soar among conservatives across the country due to his forceful pushback against coronavirus pandemic restrictions and his aggressive actions as a conservative culture warrior going after media, corporations and teachers’ unions. Other likely 2024 GOP presidential hopefuls, including former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, are also making moves towards a White House run.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. Holding a Presidential candidate poll at CPAC is sort of like the same as holding a poll at 770 as to who you think will be Moishiach. In fact, more likely to get a statistically valid sample at 770.

  2. Of course Trump won a poll at CPAC. CPAC is over. It’s a relic. It used to be the heart of the conservative movement, but not any more. Only Trump’s personality cult bothers to go there any more. And the John Birch Society. The rest of the conservative movement had better things to do this weekend.

  3. CPAC is now for just the craziest wing of the GOP. The best part of the GOP goes to Principles First held at the same time. Most people avoid both.

  4. B”h still some informed people with some brains.

    Again, either you think the 2020 election was NOT stolen – which makes you simply uninformed. Fact.
    If you think it WAS stolen and yet we should move away from Trump, I take it you’re a real מיעוט.
    I cannot believe your vote is stolen from you, and a door was opened to steal future elections, and yet you move away from the one candidate that is talking about it.

    All the ‘baggage’ Trump has from Jan6 etc. is all really OUR problem. If he walks away we’re still stuck with that corrupt stealing apparatus in place.

    You walking away from Trump is the desired result of the Chinese infiltrated globalists elites who run the Media, FBI, GOP establishment, etc. etc. You are rewarding their corruption with victory!

    Even if they don’t succeed in stealing it and DeSantis wins, they much rather deal with a freshy who won’t know what hit him, and he’ll be either played like a fiddle by the 2 faced establishment, or he’ll be loaded with the same fony baggage like Trump which’ll be created against him just the same, and he’ll be no Trump in knowing how to take it. – But anyway, why shouldn’t they steal it again with YOUR approval and reward?

  5. Hail our Beloved Chief President Donald Trump שליט”א the only person truly qualifies to occupy the Oval Office & be Real Chief in Commander {think back aeroplanes in Afghanistan};
    Let sleepy joe join fetterman in hospital with both of their respective health issues.

  6. CPAC is an event that is very strongly identified with Trump. There was no question that Trump was going to win in polls there.

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