In perhaps an unprecedented halachic ruling, the Military Rabbanut ruled that the combat soldiers of the 401st Brigade should hear the megillah on Sunday, a week before Purim.
The reason for the ruling is that the soldiers may be participating in a military operation in Gaza next week and the Military Rabbanut, along with the Rav of the brigade, Rav Itamar Paz, paskened that they should hear Megillah early (without a bracha) in case they miss it on Purim.
The Military Rabbanut recently paskened that soldiers who will not be able to attend Kriyas HaMegillah on Purim can attend Kriyas HaMegillah in public without a bracha from the beginning of Adar Beis. If it later turns out that they can attend Kriyas HaMegillah on Purim, they should read it again, with a bracha. Rav Paz gave the soldiers a Megillah scroll to read with a bracha in case they are in a position to do so safely.
The Rabbanut also instructed that Kriyas HaMegillah in enemy territory or in threatened areas should only be carried out in accordance with the instructions of IDF commanders. According to the ruling of the branch of halacha headed by Rav Udi Schwartz, no soldiers should congregate or put themselves at any risk in order to fulfill the mitzva of Kriyas HaMegillah and soldiers are required to act in full accordance with the commanders’ instructions.
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
4 Responses
@zaidy78. The Gemoro says that nowadays we do not read the megillah from י”א, acording to Rashi not to atart Pesach to early and eat Chometz on the last days of Pesach. The Rif learns since the poor would rely on raising funds when the Megillah is read, it should only be read at the right time.
See סימן תרפח סעיף ז the view of the יש אומרים for the basis of this ruling.
Check the שלחן ערוך before you comment dismissively.
לא פחות ולא יותר
At least wait till י”א
What’s the point?
The not יוצא anyways
אונס רחמנא פטרי׳ & עוסק במצוה פטור מן המצוה