The family of a soldier, a talmid of the hesder yeshivah in Itamar, is requesting tefillos for their son, who was seriously injured in Gaza.
The head of the Shomron Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, issued the request in the name of the family for their son, Sgt. Roi Sasson.
The doctors are fighting for his life and he needs much Rachamei Shamayim.
Dagan wrote: “On October 7th, Sgt. Roi Sasson, a talmid of the hesder yeshivah in Itamar, was at his home in Ofakim. When the shooting began on the streets, he immediately grabbed his gun and battled with terrorists for hours, saving lives, and rescuing dozens! of people under fire. Immediately afterward, he joined his unit, and has been fighting in Gaza since then.”
“This week, he was seriously injured by shrapnel and his life is in danger. At the request of his mother and the Rosh Yeshivah of Itamar, I am asking those in the Shomron and all of Am Yisrael to put aside several moments, give tzedaka and daven for the refuah of the hero Roi Chaim ben Meirav [רועי חיים בן מירב] b’toch shal’ar cholei Yisrael. He fought for us -now he needs us!”
A mother of another soldier seriously injured in Gaza has also asked for tefillos for her son Rafael ben Anat [רפאל בן ענת] b’toch shaar cholei Yisrael.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)