DRAMATIC DEVELOPMENT: Shin Bet Chief Tells Court: “Release Ari Rosenfeld To House Arrest”

Ari Rosenfeld

A possibility of agreement between the prosecution and the defense attorneys for Ari Rosenfeld, one of the defendants in the “leaked documents” case, regarding his release is emerging after Shin Bet head Ronen Bar submitted an official opinion stating that he can be released under restrictive house conditions.

Bar noted that “given the impression that the subject, who claims to have acted out of ideological motives, will understand that this constitutes damage to the state, the likelihood of him making use of additional materials has decreased. Alternatives for detention can be created that will reduce the risk in the form of house arrest, meeting restrictions, media use limitations, and supervision.”

After Bar’s opinion was submitted, the prosecution announced it would seek input on the matter from military officials before formulating its updated stance on the question of an alternative to detention. The defense responded by stating that the request to the military is unnecessary since it has already expressed its position, stating that it isn’t familiar with the investigative materials and the circumstances of the acts.

Rosenfeld’s lawyers also stated: “The continued detention of Ari Rosenfeld endangers him personally and severely damages public trust and confidence due to the prolonged injustice he faces. The assessment by the Shin Bet complements the opinion of Dr. Nimrod Shani, a clinical expert who examined Ari and firmly concluded that there is no real threat he will repeat his actions. Additionally, it should be noted that during the last two months, Ari has met both with public representatives and with other prisoners, including a spy who is with him in his cell, and in all these meetings – there was not even a slight concern that he would provide them with information.”

President Isaac Herzog met with Bar last week regarding Rosenfeld following numerous requests that he pardon Rosenfeld received by his office.

MK Chili Tropper (National Unity) also met with Bar and requested that Rosenfeld be released to house arrest.

(YWN’s Jerusalem desk is keeping you updated after tzeis ha’Shabbos in Israel)

One Response

  1. ideological moves….yes , no, stay in jail. …… we could harm more than a handful of people this is a rasha……I have no empathy for this fool

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