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Soldier’s Mother Questions the Government’s Inaction

Dozens of vehicles took part in a rally in support of Gilad Shalit, along the area of the Gaza periphery communities. (Unfortunately however, the rally was held on Shabbos).

The 60 plus all terrain vehicles traveled from Ram Junction to Kibbutz Yad Mordechai, where the main event took place. Mrs. Aviva Shalit read a letter she had written regarding her son, Gilad, who remains captive, presumably in Hamas-controlled Gaza since taken prisoner in a June 25, 2008 cross-border attack.

Aviva Shalit stated that Gilad’s friends who began their compulsory army service with him have since completed their service, with some entering university while Gilad remains captive. She questioned the inaction of the government, reminding participants, many of whom served in the IDF with Gilad, that the same unforgivable behavior of the current Olmert administration resulted in the situation concerning Ron Arad. Arad fell into captivity over Lebanon in October 1986, with Israel missing all opportunities to reach a deal for his release.

Mrs. Shalit states she blames Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Gilad’s commander-in-chief, who is still prime minister but fails to live up to his responsibility to bring him home.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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