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NIS 30 Million for Kollelim & Yeshivos

shas1.jpgAs the treasury was about to close the budget year, Shas leader Deputy Prime Minister Eli Yishai managed to obtain a commitment for an additional NIS 30 million to help keep Kollelim and yeshivos afloat in December.

Yishai stated that once again we see that without a strong and dominant Shas Party, the yeshiva world will suffer.

At present, there are about 9,000 bochrim and avreichim receiving monthly governmental payment assistance.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. Ha ha stam (#6) that’s a funny one.

    Reminds me of the story of the Shas yeshiva bochur who was walking through an alley in Tel Aviv when he was confronted by a robber.

    “Hands up” said the robber pointing a gun at the yeshiva bochur. “Give me your money!”

    “How can you do this to me?” cried the bochur. “I’m simply a Shas yeshiva bochur.”

    “Oh, in that case,” said the robber. “Give me MY money.”

  2. If one accepts that Medinat Yisrael is at least the “de facto” government of Eretz Yisrael, isn’t about to go out of business, and is probably better (at lesat for now) that an “Islamic Republic of Palestine”, THEN SHAS is doing the right thing by diverting wasteful public spending to invest if the future of Klal Yisrael by support yeshiva students.

  3. hey y are u all taking #5 nevaliza’s comment seriously?
    u guys must be new here otherwise u would have read enuf comments already to realize that he/she is always joking …satire…snycism…
    esp. if its somethig to do with the frum community, even pertaining to rabbanim ,tameidei chachamim.

  4. 1 & 2, cynics.

    Couldn’t bring yourselves to recognize a good act on behalf of the public. Had to blurt out some cynical skepticism instead of giving credit where credit is due.

    Are you guys always like that?

  5. gabs911,
    Calm down, it’s a joke.
    The way jokes work is that you take something with a grain of truth and then exaggerate it to absurdity. You should try it sometime – it’s good for you.

    In this case, the point of the joke is that many people feel that Shas (among others) use their political power to extract money for their group at the expense of the larger society (i.e. klal yisroel). But it wouldn’t be funny if I said itr that way.

    Hmmm. Maybe that’s what you meant by filth…. (see, another joke!)

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