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Tragedy in Yerushalayim: Woman Killed From Shabbos Candles

candle4.gifYWN has just learned of the tragic death of a handicapped Yerushalayim woman after the Shabbos candles tipped over, and set her home ablaze R”L.

According to reports, the woman in her 50’s, was R”L trapped in the smoke and flames, after the candles fell and caught her apartment – located on Rechov Dovid Yellin – on fire.

There are no further details available at this time.


18 Responses

  1. I would humbly submit that it is time for the Powers That Be to limit the usage of Shabbos candles. How many homes must burn before the sakanah is aknowledged? Are people careful with their candles? Do they go out to visit and leave them untended? How about families with many children, ken yirbu, whose candles are many and precarious? Somehow I, the am ha’aretz, would imagine that Chazal would have put a limit on such dangerous activity – even though there can be nothing as beautiful as a home filled with the many lights of Shabbos. Have rachmonus!!

  2. #4….So are you going to tell us that we should also limit the use of chanukah candles? This handicapped woman should have had one of these emergency necklaces to wear so she can push a button in case of emergency (not that it would have saved her, but better than nothing). Post #3, I can’t see how they would have gotten this news without chillul shabbat, unless it was e-mailed right before shkiyah. Also, keep in mind that in Yerushalayim the minhag is to light 45 or 60 minutes before shkiyah, so maybe they got the news before shabbos. We have to be dan l’kaf zechus.

  3. I demand that YW publish a heter from a recognized posek that it’s mutar to publish reports that have come through chillul shabbos, or a letter of apology. I believe the readership needs to be apprised of the halachik procedures of this site.

    Moderators Note: If you can first prove to the readers how YWN used sources that were michalel Shabbos in this story, then the editors will gladly discuss this issue further.

    What a shame……..a woman is RL killed, and this is what people are busy with……

  4. #4
    what exactly are you trying to say?! are you joking (I hope so)or serious? I mean, you have to be more specific! What should we do? Is “I, the am ha’aretz,” literal?!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #3 In this case you can easily be “dan lekaf zchus” and give someone “the benefit of the doubt”. In Yerushalayim, candle-lighting is 40 minutes before the shkiah. This could have happened and been reported within these 40 minutes.

  6. ship-

    Your comment is totally out of place and unappropriated on this news article. If you have issues post them to the YW Editor direct not on a tragic story. Think before you hit the Submit Comment button.

  7. #4, are you saying Shabbos candles shouldn’t be lit? Or that people shouldn’t follow their custom & have as many as there are family members + 1 lit by every girl over age 3? I hope you’re being sarcastic, but with some posters you just can’t tell.

    That isn’t going to change. Nor should it. However, people must not try to cram too many candlesticks onto a tray that’s too small to allow them to stand well- spaced & safe. And with Chanukah coming up, we need to make sure NOT to leave the Menorah lit, esp. those who use candles. I should know…I was in the house but out of the room & the oil-filled glasses of our Menorah somehow tipped over & set fire to the couch & carpet. Fortunately, we smelled the burning before serious damage was done. (Too far from the smoke detectors!)

  8. V’heyissim nekiyim meHashem UmeYisroel – there are people that cant imagine how you had information about something that happened in a place that already had Shabbos without chillul Shabbos. Tell them.

  9. #7 and #10 calm down. #4 was just saying that the rabbonim should encourage us to be careful with fire, a no-brainer if there ever was one. No where in post does it suggest we CH”V stop lighting shabbos candles.

  10. A fire like this is preventable. Most fires are preventable, but you need to take a course in fire safety and buy the necessary equipment. Could her life have been saved? I don’t know because enough details weren’t given, but the avg. candle fire is preventable.

  11. #4 – Yes I agree with you: You are an Am Ha’aretz! And maybe you shouldn’t walk out of your house because you might be hit with lightening!

  12. Many people in Yerushalayim use a chumrah, or hidur, however you want to call it, and light candles very early. Minhagim differ in this area. Therefore, it is easily conceivable that this tragedy happened as the individual lit candles and was over well before the reporter was mekabel Shabbos.

    Or it could have come from a non-Jewish online news feed.

    However, let this comment thread be a lesson to the YWN editors that it is poor judgement to post something that happened on Shabbos in Israel without explicitly explaining how the report was obtained. Or just wait until after Shabbos altogether.

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