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Israel: Thursday Election Poll

The following poll was commissioned by the daily Yediot Achronot, carried by Dr. Mina Tzemach and her Dahaf Institute.

(Parenthesis represents last poll)

Likud – 30 (31)

Kadima – 26 (24)

Labor – 12 (11)

Yisrael Beitenu – 12 (10)

Shas – 10 (11)

Arab Parties – 10 (11)

Meretz – 7 (7)

UTJ – 6 (7)

Bayit Yehudi – 5 (6)

Green 3 (3)

525 adult Israelis representing a cross-section of eligible voters were questioned. Margin of error +/- 4.3%.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. A substantial shift from the religious/nationalist to the secular/post-zionist is unlikely. More likely is that many people considering Likud or another right or religious party moved into the “undecided” which isn’t reflected in the poll as stated above.

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