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Attorneys in Norway Seeking Prosecute Senior Israeli Leaders

ol.jpgIf six attorneys from Norway have their way, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and other senior members of the previous administration may face criminal charges stemming from the IDF’s counter-terrorism offensive in Gaza, Operation Cast Lead.

The lawyers accuse Israel of intentionally killing civilians and bombing hospitals and schools. Norwegian law permits local courts to hear such cases, cases alleging war crimes and severe human rights violations.

The attorneys will file their case with the nation’s chief prosecutor, demanding the extradition of senior Israeli officials, including Olmert, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, the three major players who made the decision to launch the counter-terror offensive.

The suit is being filed on behalf of the attorneys as well as at least 20 families claiming to have lost relatives in the Israeli military operation.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. It’s a publicity stunt. Note that the article said “lawyers” rather than prosecutors.

    Anyone can file a complaint with the police. The police then ignore ones that are obviously not serious. For example, you could walk over to the local precinct and file a criminal complaint against Adolf Hitler or perhaps Titus Flavius Vespasianus – it might be fun but it would be of limited legal significance.

  2. #2, I don’t think that’s correct because obviously in this case some people are very interested in going ahead with this. as always yidden need syatta dishmaya.

  3. The whole world is dispensing with morality and common sense to kiss up to the moslem world. Why? Two reasons: they think it will protect them from terrorism, and they need arab oil. Its ok! Oy l’rasha, v’oy l’shchayno! HaSh-m will deal the yishmaelim AND their friends. Kakatuv… “hityatzvu, u’re’u et yeshu’at

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