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Meah Shearim Mom Must Leave her Home

courthammer.jpgThe Jerusalem District Court on Tuesday accepted the state’s request, in part, and the Meah Shearim mom will be distanced from her home, but will be permitted to remain with her children, providing she agrees to round-the-clock supervision.

Justice Moshe Ravid accepted the state’s claim that the mother poses a danger to her children, and feels his compromise decision will protect the children while preventing additional trauma by taking their mother away.

The mother has one week to give the court the address of a home where she and her children will be residing, outside of Meah Shearim.

The court’s stipulation is clear, continued house arrest with compliance to three conditions;
Outside of Meah Shearim
24/7 observation
Medical monitoring of her children to ensure they are well and psychiatric evaluation of the mom.

It appears the observation will be carried out by a party deemed mutually acceptable to the court and the mother, not a security agency. If there are costs involved, it is unclear from the ruling which side will bear the responsibility for the costs.

Of course she is still barred from seeing “C”, the son she allegedly abused, who has been living with other family members.

The state appears dissatisfied and indicated an appeal may be forthcoming; seeking to distance the mother from all her children, insisting that she presents a danger to them.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

35 Responses

  1. Why not send her to Guantanamo Bay, in Cuba?

    Now that Obama has released many terrorists there, there’s pleanty of extra room for this “terrorist” mom.

    It is truly amazing to see the intense secular hatred of Hareidim that is clearly displayed in this case.

  2. deepthinker:

    If Chareidim would truly be Chareidim L’dvar Hashem,the secular wouldn’t hate them. Part of being a chareidi is to be a rachman. That aspect seems missing from this tragic story. So, while she may be a nice person she is not a chareidi.

  3. Hashem Yeracheim- this sad joke has got to stop…
    Can’t they involve other authorities – like America – (As if Obama cares for haredishe woman)

    This cannot go on……

  4. I just thought I’d mention briefly that as a child I went through severe child abuse. the abuser, was let off the hook rather he ran away, unfortuanately justice was never done, I would have looked to see him behind bars for life for his crimes, which never happened.

    Yes he too was chareidi, but I suffered most of my life from it.

    stop thinking the state is terrible, or the woman is soo good. if justice has to be done let it…

  5. Obviously, most of you guys out there have been seduced by the secular Israeli media’s brainwashing on this case.

    The Gedolei Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel believe this is a frame-up to protect the Hadassah doctors who were conducting unauthorized experiments on this child, just as they conducted radiation experiments on the Sephardim in the 1950’s, and just as they conduct unauthorized autopsies for research on Orthodox Jews.

  6. Not knowing the whole story and not wanting there to be a shred of truth to the allegations against this woman, at this point, while she is in the thick of it, she should comply with agreeing to the round-the-clock supervision so she can be with her children. If all is well, it is her way out. Supervision should be by more than one agency.

  7. By the way, does anyone know what is happening with the investigation of this case by Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman of Ger?

  8. How is “C” doing? Better or worse since he’s been placed with other family members? Everyone seems to forget this whole issue is about this poor child!!

  9. I agree with No. 7 entirely. Given the statements by Gedolei Yisroel in the case, it seems to me that any ben Torah, anyone who conducts his life al pi Torah, is required by emunas chachamim to accept their version of the story unless he knows of other Gedolim who have stated otherwise. Does anyone know of such Gedolim, or see something wrong with my reasoning?

  10. #7 and #13
    Sorry no experiments were done. The doctor is religious (Dati Leumi) He even attends a daily Daf Yomi Shiur. Has nothing to personally gain. His only concern is to save the life of a defenseless boy.

  11. To #14 and all alike
    I had seen a copy of some of the claims against the Mom, where they claim that the Mother fooled the doctors and as a result he was treated with chemotherapy. So how do you explain this? This poor mother fooled this research giant? Plus there is an open letter from the Rav Weiss the Gaved of Yerusulaim. One must blindfolded by the Media to believe these allegations. On the other hand, I do agree that for the best of this family they should accept this recommendation of supervision (but with caution).

  12. Since the “Gedolai Yisroel” referenced above have not heard one shred or seen one minute of the state’s evidence, it is quite hard to believe that any responsible Rav would form any opinion what-so-ever. It is either Lashon Hora against the mother or Loshan Hora against the frum doctor, the nurses, the hospital, the police, the prosecutors, the judge, etc.. A true Gadol would hold their thoughts until they had some real facts or real testimony.

    I have heard so many things through the yeare that have been said in the name of one Gadol or another and have turned out to be bogus.

  13. “they conducted radiation experiments on the Sephardim in the 1950’s”

    1) This is simply not true. What happened is that children from the sephardic countries underwent X-ray treatment for ringworm. This was the practice all over the world. This was done also in at least one New York City hospital. This was not an ‘experiment’ as you falsely claim, it was ‘treatment’.(That the treatment had terrible unknown side-effects is besides the point.) This all can be easily verified by a little study. My advise to you is to stop deepthinking and engage in some basicreading.

  14. “how do you explain how sick this child was PRIOR to going into Hadassah? ”

    When he arrived at Hadassah, they injected the child with a tachyonic virus. It’s pretty much the same serum that physicist Erwin Schrödinger injected his cat with. But that’s neither here nor there.

  15. To bdtz:

    Thank you.

    Finally, someone who knows what’s going on. I can’t believe the gullibility of most of the commentators on this site.

    We are talking about a very fine, gentle, caring mother, who is very well known in the closely-knit community of Meah Shearim. All of her children are well cared-for.

    This particular child had some health problems, and THAT is why she took him to the hospital–to heal his sickness.

    Since the doctors were unable to get to the bottom of the problem, they decided to experiment with new drugs, WITHOUT INFORMING THE MOTHER.

    The experiments failed–even worse, they made the child deathly sick.

    When the mother finally caught-on to the despicable deception, and realized that her child was now a guinea pig in the hands of the researchers, she intiated a lawsuit to save her child, before they killed him.–That’s when they retailaited by declaring her “incompetent” and “negligent.”

    And, that is why the BADAT”Z and other Gedolei Yisroel are outraged at what these scoundrels are doing.

  16. Given the statements by Gedolei Yisroel in the case, it seems to me that any ben Torah, anyone who conducts his life al pi Torah, is required by emunas chachamim to accept their version of the story

    You are required to use your brain, if it hasn’t withered away by decades of under-use.

  17. The only sensible comments are from Deepthinker and Por. All the others are as gullible and as cruel as they come.

    #6 because you experienced some abuse as a child you automatically accuse this mother? How dare you and others rely on these unreliable prosecturs to malign a praiseworthy woman. I feel your pain but your comparison is PURE LASHON HARA!

    “Dr D” what exactly were the “state’s evidence”? That photo? Well, there are many who can make it look even worse. And as far as the doctor who took care of the child, it’s not lashon hara at all. With a name like “Achmad” he’s probably an Arab and not a Jew at all. The state is probably also afraid to start up with this Arab doctor. The one you’re referring to is the head doctor of the hospital and had nothing to do with the child. He just has to stick up for the hospital if he knows what’s good for him.

    And “Dr D” before accusing “Gedolai Yisroel” and speaking lashon hara on them that they “have not heard one shred or seen one minute of the state’s evidence” and “A true Gadol would hold their thoughts until they had some real facts or real testimony” do some homework. For your information the “Gedolai Yisroel” have looked into the matter better than these corrupt evil judges with their shady prosecutors whose entire case is based on filthy lies. And you and your ilk believe these reshaim. Shame on you!

    True Ohev Yisroel would shut their mouths from speaking lashon hara and being motzi shem ra until the end of the case. Instead of speak lashon hara on “Gedolai Yisroel” why don’t you contact them? Are you scared you will be influenced by the truth?

  18. “True Ohev Yisroel would shut their mouths from speaking lashon hara”

    “…corrupt evil judges with their shady prosecutors whose entire case is based on filthy lies”

    Not the merest hint of hypocrisy there.

  19. Bdtz #15, Deepthinker is right. Yours is also from the few sensible ones.

    Deepthinker #10 The prosecution and judges adamantly refused Litzman’s investigation. If he’d uncover the truth, which they are certain he will, how will the judges and prosecution be able to continue harassing and torturing a “meah shearim mother” and her children “legally”? In the meantime, they have the perfect opportunity to drag the court case for who knows how long while the cruel anti-chareidi world are more than happy to watch it.

  20. If the “Gdolei Yisrael” believe that Hadassah Hsopital in indeed as evil as some of the posters believe, why do they continue to use its services? Including, by the way, dayanim of the Eda.

    To those posters who actually believe that the Gdolei Yisrael “investigated these matters, could you post exactly how they did so? Do they have medical expertise? Did they have access to the medical records of the woman and child? How exactly do they “look into” these matters?

  21. Bar 26 posted “True Ohev Yisroel would shut their mouths from speaking lashon hara and being motzi shem ra until the end of the case.”

    Yet he posts things like “unreliable prosecturs”, “corrupt evil judges” and is happy to malign the staff at Hadassah.

    It seems that in Bar26’s mind, the rules of motzei shem ra only applies to those of whom he approves.

    By the way, that doctor at Hadassah, Arab or no, has probably saved more Jewish lives than all of the “gdolei Yisrael” who have “looked into the matter” put together.

  22. yoisher:

    must you air your ignorance for all the world to see? check out the Sefer Shemiras Halashon where the differences in the need to be dan l’kaf zchus a Tzaddik and a regular person are clearly delineated. ( in case you dont read hebrew thats the Sefer with a picture of the Chofetz Chaim on the cover; someone else can translate it for you.)

    starwolf: youre last sentence contradicted a pretty basic tenet of Yiddishkeit. i have no doubt that if had lived in the times of Avrohom Avinu you would have said ” meiavimelech nisabra sarah”

  23. Bar 26 and other sane commenters:
    כשם שמצוה לומר דבר שנשמע כך מצוה שלא לומר דבר שלא נשמע.

  24. # 27 and other posters. I suggest we all reread the Chofetz Chaim and maybe we could chane the way we post our comments.
    I very mucg doubt it is acceoatbele to be rude and offence to a fellow yid just because he does not agree with your world view.
    This behaviour itself contradicts a basic tenant of Yiddeshkeit – veachavta lereecha kamocha.

  25. Starwolf
    “Could you post exactly how the” PROSECUTION “did so? Do they have medical expertise? Did they have access to the medical records of the woman and child? How exactly do they “look into” these matters?”
    One thing is certain, these chiloni anti-Torah prosecutors have megatons of sinat chareidim. They and the chiloni judges would rather build false accusations against chareidim and harass and torture an innocent woman than investigate an arab doctor. As much as they hate the datiim, especially the chareidim on meah shearim, the Left and extreme Left revere the arabs (or rather, afraid of the consequences!) and ignore any of their wrongdoing. They constantly protest wildly and much more violently than chareidim together with their partners, the peace-loving Arab Freedom-Fighters.

    How about proving the motzi shem ra you wrote that Bar26 “is happy to malign the staff at Hadassah”?

    “By the way, that doctor at Hadassah, Arab or no, has probably saved more Jewish lives than all of the “gdolei Yisrael” who have “looked into the matter” put together” and they probably killed more lives than…. beyond doubt proven by the Chevra Kadisha.

    The indictment, if you’ll notice, is full of swiss cheese holes, contradictions and nonsense. It’s full of contempt, sinat yisrael and cruelty. They have excellent partners – the media who are like preying wolves and go hand by hand with the axis of evil and the naive public, like you and many other here.

    How shameful that religious Jews have doubt in the judgment and wisdom of gedolai yisrael tzaddikim who have siyata deshmaya but have no compunction about the accuracies of the prosecutors who are well known for their fabrications, blatant lies and have siyata demedia.

  26. The prosecution opened the case after it was alerted by the staff at Hadassah. By automatically assuming that this was a persecution of the Hareidim, you are in essence accusing the medical staff of being in compliance. And your saying that they “probably killed more lives than…. beyond doubt proven by the Chevra Kadisha.” is nothing else but motzei shem ra.

    As far as the judgement of the “gedolai yisrael tzaddikim who have siyata deshmaya” I did not see any condemnation by these leaders of the language of their followers. If you think that the words “nazi” and “mengele” are to be bandied about freely, you cannot expect that others will not call you on it.

    As far as motzei shem ra. you do a good job referring to the prosecutors and other s involved in the case. Perhaps in your mind they are “well-known for their fabrications. How is this “well-known”? Did you read it in your pashkevilim?

  27. Now, you can sit here and argue on whom you are allowed to talk and whom you are not allowed.

    But last time I checked it is related to עושה מעשה עמך. Now, I don’t think the Israeli court system is included in this. But really we can’t be the shoftim, on who is what, so lets refer to the חפץ חיים. Hrav Kaplan ztza”l quotes Harav Elchonon Vaserman who quotes the chofetz chaim in ספר קובץ הערות מאמר אומר אני מעשי למלך, that the chofetz chaim said of the zionist that they are ” זרע עמלק “. I don’t think that these people are protected by our Tora who they are against.

  28. yoisher:

    must you air your ignorance for all the world to see? check out the Sefer Shemiras Halashon where the differences in the need to be dan l’kaf zchus a Tzaddik and a regular person are clearly delineated. ( in case you dont read hebrew thats the Sefer with a picture of the Chofetz Chaim on the cover; someone else can translate it for you.)

    You go on proving my point again and again and again.

    Also, that’s not a picture of the Chofetz Chayim, it’s a picture of the shochet of Radin. In other words, you know nothing.

  29. So poster #32 thinks that Rav Kook and Rav Kalisher (both Zionists, thank you) were zera amalek? And in turn, he wants respect for his shita?

    I heartily suggest that if you think that Zionists are “zera amalek” that you refrain from associating with us. Do not use our institutions, especially our hospitals. Use the non-Zionist hospitals instead, if you happen to need medical services while in Israel.

  30. To Starwolf:

    You misinterpreted my comment.
    I did not say what “I” think. I’m just quoting the Chofetz Chaim. Since you mentioned “rules of motzei shem ra” I thought that we should turn to original Posek on this matter.

    Now about your question about these zionist rabbis, I’m not in the position to answer on their status. I believe that that belongs now to בית דין של מעלה.

    And if it matters to you because you follow them, then you need to ask your rabbi about that.

  31. yoisher: Great comeback, I’m really speechless with rage. shochet notwithstanding, do you need me to translate for you?

  32. bdtz – using the term זרע עמלק is extremely provocative. You are not “just quoting the חפץ חיים”, you are publishing a 4th hand quote in a context entirely of your choosing.

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