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You Simply Must Admire Syria’s Integrity

Before the photos were released, officials in Damascus on Wednesday released an official statement denying the Francop was carrying weapons and ammunition intended for Hizbullah, blaming Israel for Jerusalem’s slanderous statements.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem did not waste time, and used the announced IDF naval commando operation to condemn Israel, during a press conference in Iran with his Iranian counterpart. Actually, Moallem labeled the shipment “humanitarian”, similar to the many “humanitarian” shipments carried in trucks entering Hamas-controlled Gaza perhaps.

Despite their statements, those seeking the destruction of the State of Israel, Baruch Hashem, the successful naval commando operation has undoubtedly delivered a major blow to Hizbullah and its allies.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. In the aftermath of the Six Day War, when it became clear what had actually transpired (i.e. NOT the big victories the arab media were reporting) I clearly remember a very accurate statement made by news announcer. He called the arab people “the most consistantly lied-to people in the world”. True then, true now.

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