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More on Kfar Vradim and Problems for Chareidi Community

Earlier in the week, YWN-Israel reported on difficulties facing the chareidi community in Kfar Vradim, explaining a magistrate’s court compelled a chareidi non-profit organization to pay a NIS 5,000 fine for operating a pirate daycare center in a private home. The court was aware that the local municipality only pursued the chareidi daycare center, which lacks permits but turns a blind eye to the 15 other daycare facilities operating with permits in Kfar Vradim, not serving chareidim.

The following is based on a HaMevaser report following a discussion with the head of the municipality, Mr. Sivan Yechieli.

According to Yechieli, the town council took the illegal daycare center to court, and it had nothing to do with him. He rejected allegations that he instructed municipality officials to turn down the request to legalize the daycare center, explaining it did not receive a permit because it fails to meet the minimal standard and no other reason.

When asked about the 15 other centers, he explained those are p’utonim (infants) while the chareidi center is a gan (older daycare) which requires special permits. A p’utone [for infants] he explained is not required under the law to receive a permit, even if situated in a private home.

Yechieli also rejects allegations regarding requests to construct a mikve, insisting there has never been a request filed to build a mikve in the commercial center area, and if a formal request is submitted, it would be reviewed and a decision in the case would be made on its own merit.

The discussion went on to address report that the municipal council has appointed a supervisor to oversee the shul’s operations. He rejects such an accusation, explaining he did indeed appoint a representative to the shul after veteran mispalalim requested he do so since there are “elements” in the shul seeking to impose their nusach tefilla on the others, a nusach unfamiliar to them. Yechieli explains that situation was causing friction and interfering with the harmonious operating of the shul, compelling the council to step in since it is the municipal council which built the shul and continues to fund part of its ongoing operations. He rejects allegations of gross interference to the extent he compels subject matter in shiurim is simply “manipulative”.

When asked if there is room in the community for chareidim, Yechieli stated indeed, for chareidim and dati-leumi Jews. He assured HaMevaser that his office provides and array of essential services to residents, including religious services. These services are granted commensurate with the size of the respective populations without infringing on the lifestyle of the other populations. He agrees the current situation in Kfar Vradim is unacceptable and something must be done to correct this. He labels himself as a traditional-orthodox Jew. He supports uprooting the disdain for religion, admitting there are people in the community who are genuinely fear the community may turn chareidi and therefore, they are hysterical regarding any chareidi activities. Yechieli feels that an outside party must intercede to mediate between the chareidim and their opponents.

The chareidi community labels Yechieli a “professional politician,” admitting he “does not hate yiddishkeit” and he is not a “bad person”, but his statements are taken for what they are, ambiguous statements from a seasoned politician. They told HaMevaser that Yechieli’s responses were not factual or to the point and they plan to release documents to support these claims.

HaMevaser adds that as the report was being printed, the newspaper staff learned a clerk from the municipality telephoned Mrs. Hall, who is organizes a weekly midrasha for the community’s women, every Monday in the shul. She was advised to cancel a planned daylong event set for Tuesday “if she doesn’t want trouble”.

Mrs. Hall explained that the clerk is seeking to avoid increased conflict which will result from planned actions from the anti-frum element in the community. “They plan to burst in during the daylong event” explains Hall. She however does not plan to back down and as of now, the event is set for tomorrow, Tuesday.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. This is in a community that uses the municipal laws to continually take down any eruv set up for Shabbat observing Jews to be able to carry. . .
    The frum community was also taken to court years ago when they set up a website and used the name Kefar Veradim. Pity that such anti feelings are still rampant in today’s world. . .

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