PM Netanyahu Continues To Promise Amona Expellees

At the start of a cabinet meeting on Thursday, 18 Adar, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made comments to the media including yet another promise to former Amona residents.

Some of the former residents have been taking part in a hunger strike for the past two weeks, maintaining a constant presence in their protest tent opposite the Prime Minister’s Residence.

Prime Minister Netanyahu on Thursday stated, “This afternoon I will meet again with President Trump’s envoy, Jason Greenblatt. We are in the midst of a process of dialogue with the White House and our intention is to reach an agreed-upon policy regarding settlement construction.

“Agreed-upon for us, of course, not just for the American side. Naturally, this will be good for the State of Israel since we have not been in these processes for many years. To the residents of Amona, I reiterate: I gave you a promise to build a new community and I will honor that commitment”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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