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Plug into the Power of Elul; Join the Virtual Community of Over 4500 Participants in 12 Countries

Rabbi Aryeh Nivin knows, first-hand, that the self-development strategies he has taught thousands of eager students to deal with life’s difficulties, over the years, really work. About six years ago, he was put to the ultimate test when he faced his own personal life-threatening health crisis. As his body was ravaged by a hard-to-identify killer bacteria, untreatable with antibiotics, he experienced multiple organ failure and was put on a life-support system. Paralyzed from the neck down, he only experienced movement in his arms and toes.

Rabbi Nivin recalls, “That’s when the doctors turned to my wife and said, ‘We’re sorry. There is nothing more we can do.’ All my research, gleaned from the Ramchal, Arizal, and the baalei mussar, played out in real time. I did a serious cheshbon hanefesh and, in effect, went through an emotional process of aveilus — thinking about everything I hold dear in life and letting it go. On the top of this list was my wife and children, one of whom was about to be married. Six months later, Boruch Hashem, my health was restored, but I don’t see with the same eyes, anymore.”

Jewish Personal Development: A Vibrant Virtual Community of 300 Weekly Participants

The very same tools Rabbi Nivin utilized to pull him through his nisayon are those he teaches to his students via the longest-standing ongoing Jewish virtual community in the world. The former Aish HaTorah Discovery program senior lecturer-turned life coach has created a system of “Jewish Personal Development” to help us connect to the ultimate energy source.

Rabbi Nivin coaches community rabbis, front-line kiruv professionals, businesspeople, CEOs, and people from all walks of Jewish life. Additionally, for over a decade, he has impacted the lives of thousands of participants of his popular separate-gender global Chabura teleconferences which plumb the depths of emotional, intellectual and religious development. Rabbi Nivin’s research of classic Torah sources is culled from Machon HaAdam HaShalem, the research Institute which he founded in 2011, to develop the cutting-edge avenues he uses for application in the modern world.

“It’s much more than a class or lecture series; it’s a living, vibrant community,” explains Rabbi Nivin. “We have an ongoing personal liaison, fully transcribed notes, recordings, and that creates a very different experience. We’re there to support you and help you get a chavrusa. A lot of the chavrusa relationships that have started from our program developed into best friendships.”

The $1 Two Class Trial Elul LifePlan Program: For Teachers, Business People, Homemakers and More

What better time than Elul to start the process of the crucial self-discovery needed to help us conquer the many challenges that life throws us? Traditionally, as the last month of the year, it is the most powerful time to work on yourself, grow, and gain deep insights needed to assess spiritual progress in preparation for the upcoming year. In fact, the nineteenth-century Baghdadi mekubal, Chacham Yosef Chaim, known as the Ben Ish Chai, states, “Kol Rega b’Elul k’chodesh shalaim” – Each moment in Elul is like an entire month; the spiritual work we accomplish in Elul is tantamount to months of working on ourselves throughout the year.

Rabbi Nivin’s programs have past haskamas and blessings from a wide range of rabbis and rebbetzins including: the Pittsburger Rebbe of Ashdod, Rabbi Michel and Rebbetzin Faige Twerski, Rabbi Shlomo Singer,  and Rabbi Zelig Pliskin.

Rabbi Nivin has been offering his annual Elul LifePlan Program for 15 years He notes, “Elul is ‘International Deep-Thinking Month’. I have a virtual community of hundreds of people who meet weekly to work on our one-year Elul plan, together, where we figure out what our life is all about and where we are going. By the 25th day of Elul, which is the creation of the world, we have a practical one-page plan that we use in order to go into Rosh Hashanah; it really empowers chodesh Tishrei!”

Rabbi Nivin explains, “This is a four-month program, which continues after the chagim for three months, for people who really want to be plugged into themselves – it teaches them how to implement the plan. The Chabura is ongoing for those who want to continue; some have been participants for years.”

The $1 Two Class Trial Elul LifePlan Program

Women’s program: Tuesdays Noon EST/7pm IST. Live and recorded, beginning September 3rd.  Click here to register for $1 women’s trial*:

Men’s program: Pre-Recorded sessions, with live Q & A.  Click here to register for the $1 men’s trial*:   *$75 per month after 2-week trial.


The Yeud Life Purpose Coach Training Program: For Mentors, Teachers, Parents, Coaches, Therapists

In addition to his program for the general population, Rabbi Nivin offers The Yeud Life Purpose Coach Training Program [see program details/sign up, below] – for those who want to work with their friends, family, and community, semi-professionally, and for professionals who want to learn how to teach others how to find their life purpose. Certificates are awarded by Machon HaAdam HaShalem, upon successful completion of this course.

“It’s very important for people to understand the power of chodesh Elul, to find themselves, to find their way, to find who they are, “concludes Rabbi Nivin. “It is a pleasure to know who you are and where you are going; that gives form and power to the entire year. When a person really gets to know who he is and what he is all about, he is able to actualize his G-d-given potential; he has clarity about who he is and what he is doing in the world. It gives enormous power to one’s year and life. It is life-changing!”

Rabbi Nivin adds, “We teach people how to stay inspired during the year, because Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur wear off; it’s one thing to do the Elul work, but it’s another thing to keep it in your consciousness all year round.”

The Yeud Life Purpose Coach Training Program

Women’s program: Mondays 10am EST/5pm IST. Live and recorded, beginning September 2nd.

Men’s program: Pre-recorded sessions, with live Q & A.

For questions or to sign up, Phone/Text/WhatsApp: Mrs. Robin Meyerson, 602-469-1606 (US), or leave a message at 02-580-6406 (Israel).

What Letter Will You Write in YOUR Personal Sefer Torah?

Chabura participants testify that they have been empowered by discovering their unique mission while seeking help for coping with their spouse’s addiction; living with infertility; going through a rocky divorce; coping with singlehood; and, finding happiness in life, among other challenges.

Simi Yellen, worldwide educator for Raise the Bar Parenting, shares, “I had the privilege of being part of his Original Chabura for over 5 years. …Instead of going through life in a daze…when you wake up and you say, “Oh my gosh! Another year gone by and what has happened…” If you implement Rabbi Nivin’s tools, you take stock everyday of where you are in life, how to move forward, asking the question, “What does Hashem want from me right now, how can I grow and what’s my next step in Avodas Hashem?”

Marketing expert and CEO Jon Yaakov Goldman, concurs, “I’ve been involved with Rabbi Nivin’s teachings and programs since 2013 and not only has it enriched my personal family and business life, but my spiritual connections have deepened too. I highly recommend Rabbi Nivin’s programs to men and women who want practical tools for Jewish Personal Development.”

“There are 600,000 letters in a Sefer Torah,” concludes Rabbi Nivin. “Allegorically, every person is given a letter to write in their lifetime. It is our letter – nobody else’s letter – and Klal Yisrael needs for every neshama to write his letter in the allegoric Sefer Torah of life. People don’t know that they have a highly unusual frequency in the world and when people get tuned into the concepts and who they really are, its enormously powerful; that’s what our program tries to do.”

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The Yeud Life Purpose Coach Training Program

Women’s program: Mondays 10am EST/5pm IST. Live and recorded, beginning September 2nd.

Men’s program: Pre-recorded sessions, with live Q & A.

For questions or to sign up, Phone/Text/WhatsApp: Mrs. Robin Meyerson, 602-469-1606 (US), or leave a message at 02-580-6406 (Israel).


The Elul LifePlan Program

Women’s program: Tuesdays Noon EST/7pm IST. Live and recorded, beginning September 3rd.  Click here to register for $1 women’s trial*:

Men’s program: Pre-Recorded sessions, with live Q & A.  Click here to register for the $1 men’s trial*:  *$75 per month after 2-week trial.

Join the 4500 plus men and women from 12 countries who have benefitted from Rabbi Nivin’s 100 plus Chaburas to date.

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