Klal Yisroel Saved Their Lives- But What About Their Neshamos??

Thousands of refugees are coming to Eretz Yisroel from Ukraine, and many are registering their children in Shuvu schools for a Torah education, even though the Israeli government is directing many Ukrainian children to public schools. It is only due to the round-the-clock efforts of Shuvu representatives meeting these refugees at the airport and at hotels to help direct Ukrainian refugees to Shuvu schools for a Torah education that these children are not going to public schools. 

But help is needed! Shuvu require funds to help bring in hundreds, or even thousands, of new children from Ukraine. 

30 years ago, Rav Pam zt’l founded Shuvu when hundreds of thousands of Russians came to Eretz Yisroel. During this time, Shuvu helped bring back tens of thousands of children and families to Yiddishkeit. History is repeating itself with the aliya of the Ukrainians. With the full-hearted Haskamos of HaRav Reuven Feinstein shlita and HaRav Elya Brudny shlita, Shuvu is asking for your help in this emergency campaign

Klal Yisroel is helping bring these refugees out of Ukraine to Eretz Yisroel. What happens NEXT is up to you!  We must ensure their children do not end up in public schools. Every hour counts. Every dollar counts.

Please help Shuvu help these children.

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