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Last Chance: Help Chayim Aruchim Hit Critical $500k Charidy Fundraiser Goal!

When the life of a critically ill relative or elderly loved one is on the line, the people around them end up in uncharted territory.

Families are confused and terrified. The lack of direction is frustrating and scary. Feelings of guilt and trepidation creep in. Nobody knows what questions to ask or what steps to take.

And then, they call Chayim Aruchim.

Chayim Aruchim was founded to guide, advocate, and protect the religious rights of critically ill Jewish patients and provide end-of-life halachic guidance. But we cannot do it alone. 

We already raised more than 50% of our $500k Charidy Fundraiser goal — and we need your help to reach the finish line.

Please partner in our work by visiting now. Tizku L’Mitzvos!

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