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More public outcry against the Neturei Karta goons


The Adass Israel Congregation, a community founded by Holocaust-survivors, joins worldwide Jewry in publicly denouncing the nefarious and totally irresponsible handful of Jewish charlatans, who attended the recent “Holocaust-denial” conference of Jew-haters in Teheran.
These individuals who have been depicted in local and international media embracing fanatical anti-Semites bring shame and pain to our people.
We hereby reiterate and declare that Charedi/Chassidic/Orthodox Jews everywhere are disgusted and repelled by the treacherous and contemptible conduct of this deranged and reviled group of misfits and Mechallelei Hashem [desecraters of G-d’s Name], who in their boundless and obsessive craving for publicity habitually raise their ugly heads and besmirch the reputation and honour of all observant Jews. We join communities the world over in denouncing them and fully endorse and applaud the severe sanctions and sharp condemnations that have been issued by every single major Charedi community in Jerusalem, New York, Antwerp, London and Manchester.
Under no circumstances, should the behaviour of this rabble be associated with any other organisation or person. Nor should their garb and their calling themselves “rabbis” deceive anyone. In fact, they are an insignificant group of unemployed parasites, who represent nobody but themselves. They were ejected, for similar activities, decades ago from their local Shuls and communities. Regrettably this has not halted their ongoing treacherous behaviour and associating with our enemies, thus embarrassing and harming the reputation of Orthodox Jewry. They have persistently and blatantly ignored the demands and rulings of Rabbis and community leaders – who have no control over them.

The Adass Israel community, which is made up of first, second and third generation Holocaust-survivors, cannot ignore, and will never forgive, the desecration of the memory of our Kedoshim by these self-hating Jews. We too call upon organisations and individuals everywhere to do all in their power to shun these pathetic individuals.
Melbourne, Chanukah 5767

16 Responses

  1. I cannot even begin to imagine what a Holocaust survivor must have been thinking when hearing/reading/seeing these sick individuals befoul the Jewish nation the way they just recently did. My grandparents survived the very real, very tragic Holocaust, and that these so-called Jews had the gall to use the HOLOCAUST and vicious anti-Semites to further their agenda makes me want to vomit.


    We’ve seen them meet, hug, embrace, and kiss the enemies of Israel (Ahmadinejad, Arafat, Farakhan, etc).
    We’ve seen their acts of moral turpitude and we looked the other way and shook our heads in disgust.
    We’ve labeled them ‘crazy’ and we discounted them because we said they were a fringe group.
    We were wrong.

    Cherems are not enough.
    Public statements condemning them are not enough.
    They must be put out of business.

    The time has come to take drastic measures to respond to the Naturei Karta chillul hashem. I have come up with a few ideas and welcome your thoughts.

    1. For each member of NK: get their picture, and complete contact information (name, address, telephone) for public dissemination. Create a “wanted” poster of their identities. People must know who they are and where they live. We can then pressure their respective communities but only if we know who they are. We must know exactly what Chassidic denomination they belong to. If they dare enter our Shuls, we will throw them out. When they come to our communities to speak we will find out where they are staying and who their hosts are and will protest accordingly. When they eat at our Kosher restaurants we will inform the proprietors that we will boycott their establishments unless the NK patrons are asked to leave. We will pressure their Yeshivas to kick their children out of their schools. We will discourage Shidduchim with their families. We will not attend their Simchas and we will tell them why. Again, we must know who they are.

    2. Challenge their IRS tax exempt status. Someone is funding their travel and speaking engagements, and is getting the benefits of a charitable deduction in the process. We need to alert the IRS of NK’s terrorist affiliations jeopardize their tax exempt status. This will chill charitable donations to their cause. Let’s bankrupt them and put them out of business.

    3. Lobby our political leaders to have them demand that the United States State Department brand the NK organization (and its members) as a terrorist organization or as a supporter of terrorism and render it illegal (like the State Department did to JDL/KACH).

    4. Publish all of the Cherems that are out against NK. The Chief Rabbi of Israel has called for a new Cherem against NK. The Edah Hachareidis just published one. See the one I’ve published below*.

    5. Encourage our Rabbonim and Jewish leaders to stop disregarding them as insignificant. Acknowledge that they are dangerous. Discredit them.

    6. Collect pictures of them posing with Arab leaders and place them on one screen for everyone to see their atrocious bedfellows: ie., Farakhan, Arafat, Ahmadinejad, and their horrific protest placards. The more pictures, the more horrific the outrage.

    7. Prosecute NK in the International Criminal Courts. Follow my logic here: If Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s stated objective of “wiping Israel off the map” (his consistent denial of the Holocaust, and his country’s pursuit of nuclear and ballistic missile capacity) violates the 1948 U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, then wouldn’t NK be guilty of aiding and abetting the enemy (Iran’s Ahmadinejad)? I’m not an expert in this area of law, but what about treason (the crime of disloyalty to one’s nation or state. A person who betrays the nation of their citizenship and/or reneges on an oath of loyalty and in some way willfully cooperates with an enemy, is considered to be a traitor. Oran’s Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as: “…[a]…citizen’s actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation].” In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aided or involved by such an endeavour)?

    I welcome your thoughts.

    Baruch C. Cohen, Esq.
    Law Office of Baruch C. Cohen, APLC
    4929 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 940
    Los Angeles, CA 90010
    Telephone (323) 937-4501
    Facsimile (323) 937-4503
    e-mail: [email protected]

  3. My parents are Holocaust survivors and my mother spent most of her war years in Auschwitz. I cannot begin to describe the anguish these animals caused her. She repeatedly raised her arm revealing her tattoo screaming how can these “Rabbis” kiss and embrace these anti-semites?

  4. FYI. The Rabbi of Cong. Adas Yisroel in Melbourn Australia is Harav Beck Shlit”a the brother of Moshe Beck who is the head of these mishigoyim.

  5. YB!

    As if the nausiating antics of the NK are not sufficient, you feel compelled to reveal the names of innocent relatives! FYI?! Do you think before letting loose your mouth?

    I am in disbelief over the horror of your deliberate name throwing; such are the actions of those who revel in machlokes. Your post is despicable rishus.

  6. What I don’t understand is how there are groups who protest “tziyonim” to the point of demonstrating during Rav Shteinman Shlita’s trip to Monsey. Where are these same “Leshem Shamayim” protesters now… ?

  7. Laugh at them and let them fade back into obscurity when their 15 minutes of fame is over. They are looking for attention, and the press is giving it to them. We should not give these clowns any more attention.

  8. While most understand that Neturei Karta has nothing to do with the more common Satmar group, very few understand that the group of people which embrace with Ahmadinejad have nothing to do with Neturei Karta either, although they go by that name. I believe that as for the first course of action; the literacy needs to be corrected. Here are some logistics:

    “Neturei Karta” is a group which broke-away from “Agudat Israel of Israel” in 1935. “Neturei Karta” is a Jerusalem based organization with its headquarters in the holy city. The New York group of individuals who attended the holocaust conference and maintain a website under the “Neturei Karta” name, have organized in the 1980’s when they broke away from the main “Neturei Karta” organization. However, unlike the break-away of from “Agudat Israel” which named themselves as “Neturei Karta”, the New York group continues to use the “Neturei Karta” name, to the grief of the main “Neturei Karta”.

    While the legitimate “Neturei Karta” has always been more to the extreme side, they have never agreed to such radical acts undertaken by the New York splinter group, the same way that “Agudat Israel” never agreed to the more extreme “Neturei Karta” actions. These respective disagreements were precisely the reasons for the respective break-away’s. We can only hold the “Neturei Karta” responsible for the actions of the New York group if we hold the “Agudat Israel” responsible for the actions of the “Neturei Karta”.

    As far as Satmar is concerned, it is a known fact that Satmar who was founded –later- in the early 50’s was always at-odds with “Neturei Karta”. The most common public teaching against the “Neturei Karta” by the great Satmar Rebee Joel Teitelbaum, can be found in “Chidushei Tora” on Parshahs Naso from the year 5727 (Yiddish).

    People, these are all factual data. Make your homework and confirm for yourself.

  9. For the sake of completeness I should also add that this New York group to which I referred to, is also joined by a mere handful of individuals from other countries as well. However, their base is in New York. Al-in-al, i beleive that we are talking about a total of 20 individuals, at the most.

  10. EY, no one gives a damn about the history of NK, and whether or not these jokers belong to the “legitimate” NK, and whether there even is such a thing as a legitimate NK. It’s all irrelevant. What is relevant is that these guys are endangering Jewish lives, and must be stopped.

    You evidently are very worried about the “good name” of the “legitimate” NK being besmirched, but trust me, no one else gives a hoot.

  11. EY, I’m one of those who “give a hoot”, and I appreciate being informed by those with the maturity to reason and discuss intelligently.

    Kishke, I wonder at your language; if I would know for certain that you are a teen (as some of your other postings seem to indicate as well), I and possibly others would have more sympathy and understanding for your hot headed manner of dialogue.

  12. I have nothing at stake with the “Neturei Karta”. I just feel that we should be careful when bashing the “Neturei Karta” for what these individuals do, when we don’t bash the “Agudat Israel” at the same time, (the “Neturei Karta” had some noted Gedolim (e.g. Reb Amrem Blau). After all, all of this originates from “Agudat Israel”. If you understand that “Agudat Israel” is not responsible for a fringe group which splintered off from them, then the “Neturei Karta” isn’t either.

  13. I happen to agree with much of the ideology of the legitimate Neturei Karta (but I realize the medina is here and we have to live with it and protect the lives of Jews there as well as to protect Jews from the abuses the medina engenders). The Teheran Six and their fellow travelers (I estimate a total of 30 individuals including the Hirsch gang in EY) have as much right to call themselves Neturei Karta as a Reform convert ger lo-tzedek has a right to chas vesholom pass himself off as a Jew.

    EY, do you know if the legitimate Neturei Karta is really still around, or have they kind of faded into Toldos Aharon etc even though the real NK were not originally Chassidish?

  14. The legitimate Neturei Karta is still around, and have thier Kehilah / base in Yerushliam (nothing with the Hirsch gang). If you are intrested in more information I can do my homework.

  15. In fact, the legitimate Neturei Karta has its own Kollel, Yeshivah, Cheder, Alumni, Bikur Choilim, newspaper, and all other components of an established Kehilah. On the other hand, these handfull of individuals who attended the holocaust conference and maintain a website under the “Neturei Karta” name, present nothing else other then themselves.

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