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Antwerp: Anonymous helpline started

telephone.jpgA newly founded organization called “Heart to Heart”, was started with the purpose of providing an anonymous telephone helpline for men, women and children in any kind of distress.

Under the auspices of the local Rabbonim of Antwerp, the project was launched and gathered a group of committed and passionate volunteers, who underwent intensive training in “crisis intervention”. “Heart to Heart” is here to provide a shoulder to cry on, warm words of support, advice and guidance.

While the organization is just a few months young and by the growing amount of calls they are receiving, they realized even more how important and needed this helpline actually is.  

They are available from Sunday to Thursday from 10:00AM until 12 noon and from 8:00PM until 10:00PM. On Thursday evenings, from 10:15PM until 11:15PM the line is manned by a male volunteer. The telephone number is: 00 32 32 32 22 27

4 Responses

  1. Hats off to the parties involved in this endeavor. This project has taken months and months of truly intensive learning and effort to bring it to fruition. It takes a huge amount of training to set up this service. Cheers to the Antwerp community, especially an amazing member of my family (and his very supportive wife!) who has put in his heart, mind and valuable time in setting up this enormous and very rewarding enterprise.

  2. zionflag, what do you mean one hour for men isn’t enough you have about 4 hours or more a day what r you talking about one hour?

  3. jack – what he means is, only on thursday evenings for 1 hour are the lines manned by a male. This would imply that at other times, they are manned by ladies.

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