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Flatbush: Tefillin stolen from car

tefillin.jpgThere was a car broken into on Wednesday evening (April 11) on East 17 St next to the Yeshiva of Flatbush somewhere between 5:30PM and 7:20PM. Only one thing was taken – a pair of Tefillin. If found, please contact Yitzchak Avigdor Lubchansky (the name is on the Tefillin bag) 732-547-5316. Tizku Limitzvos!!

9 Responses

  1. I’m wondering how many people would just ‘leave’ an envelope of a thousand dollars in cash, or a box of precious jewels in a car……

    I hope this guy finds his Tefillin soon, but its quite irresponsible for someone to be negilgent of something as valuable as Tefillin (monetarily and spiritually)

    Counter comments like’ Be Dan lecuf Zechus’ is expected and probably an appropriate response. But please reread the FIRST part of the post before
    replying like that!

  2. Nameless, thanks for saving me the trouble to post exactly that point.
    But it should be noted that the tefillin may have been covered by something. I do that myself, although I also do that with envelopes containing thousands of dollars!
    What should be noted is that people also leave their tefillin in cars during the hot summer months. I was told that it can ruin the tefillin.
    Also, please let’s be very careful of criticism here since the person’s name is clearly mentioned in the posting. (He is not ‘Nameless’)!
    Good Shabbos to all!

  3. yes nameless
    don l kaf zchus

    what do you know about this person whose name is clearly stated in the article, that you have publicly ridiculed by calling him “quite irresponsible”.
    it is very possible that some people reading your comment know this person, and thus you have PUBLICLY EMBARRASSED A JEW. you must be aware of the grave consequences of this and you might want to contact someone who can help you do Tshuvah.

    and based on what information. an article in the news that you read that might very well be innacurate. and what does it say:
    1. a car was broken into
    2. tefillin were taken
    how many thousands of scenarios could explain this that are not negative to the parties involved?
    can you think of any?

    the first part of your post doesnt help
    saying the recipient of Loshen HoRa deserves it, or that is true does nothing to mitigate the Aveirah.

  4. nameless, you don’t have tefillin so limit your comments.
    cold is just as bad as hot for tefillin. cars reach both extremes – rarely is it safe for the tefillin to be left in the car. That said, I can understand the reason why people do it anyway, when they don’t have a “home base” during the day to leave them in.

  5. Groisetzaddik
    Your right, the Tefillin were could have been covered, the question still remains on the issue of how many people would leave an abundance of cash EVEN covered???

    Your post is exaggerated, melodramatic and total misconception of my point!!!!!

  6. Bupkiss
    Stick to the point I made if you want to attack my post. Would you leave an abundance of cash unattended , yes or no???

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