Video Of Interest: What The Lubavitcher Rebbe Said On Serving In The IDF

27 Responses

  1. Take the nine minutes. Most rosh yeshivas would endorse his message; it’s clear and well prepared. It was probably recorded prior to start of the video era.

  2. the rebbe said that zevulun preceded issaschar; I guess that proves the point that we are all obligated to make a mishebirach for the chayalim. all those who learn like dovid hamelech, are doing their part and are exempt from fighting. the rest, ie most, go to battle.

  3. Our safety depends on physical soldiers doing the fighting and Torah learners. Both are important and neither should be degraded by the other. But its a little more nuanced than how I say it. And more inspiring.

  4. The Big One says:
    You don”t have 9 minutes to hear divrei Elokim Chayim? Fro a heliger Tzadik emeser Torah like no other.
    You should be ashamed of yourself!

  5. This is a nuanced message. The gist is that it is important to have both those who physically go out to fight and those that stay behind and learn lezchus those who fight – each has a role, and one who is supposed to be learning and instead goes out to fight is like a commander who, rather than staying at headquarters to direct the battle, decides he has to participate personally, to the detriment of the overall army.

    The comparison is made to Yoav and David – David’s role was to learn/say Tehilim, while Yoav’s was to fight – and without each performing their respective roles, Klal Yisrael as a whole would not have been successful. One interesting point that is made is that Yoav going out to fight is mentioned in the Gemara before it mentions David sitting and learning – it’s pointed out (and this is in the lecture, not my interpretation of it) that Yoav’s role was the more Chashuv one.

    An interesting analysis, and one that I can agree with easily (though I am far, far, away from being a Lubavitcher). I believe that one who is truly learning should be allowed to learn. The issue I have is the attempt at wholesale draft avoidance by those who are either (a) not learning, or (b) not cut out to learn full-time, but are staying in Yeshiva to avoid the draft when they’d otherwise be going out to work. The army clearly has an obligation to create an atmosphere where Frumkeit is not compromised, but that being said, there is no shame in defending Jewish lives, and one who is not learning or would like to go to work should absolutely serve in the army.

    an Israeli Yid

  6. so if torah protects us,which of course it does, why did a number of chareidi yeshivos choose to close their doors during the bein hazmanim break during the height of the 2006 Lebanon war? Does torah learning only protect in Elul and not Av? Although a number of yeshivos did stay open during this period with some even adding an extra seder of learning, many unfortunately did not. You cant claim that torah protects and then when its most necessary you go on vacation, unless you either dont believe in what you are saying or dont care about your fellow jews.

  7. #8 – In short, the Rebbe, z’l stated that a Jewish Army needs shutfus. There needs to be those that physically go out to war and others need to fight by studying Torah). He brought out that David HaMelech had worked with Yoav that Yoav would lead his army to battle and David would learn Torah. That the Limud of David’s Torah would protect and help Yoav’s army to succeed. The Rebbe, z’l stated that you need both and without both Klal Yisrael could not win against its enemies.
    He also stated that if a Ben Torah leaves his post in the Yeshiva to go out and fight (physically) he is considered a deserter!

    There were many other points he brought out, but I’m not here to give a minute by minute report.

    In short, he held that the touching the Yeshivas is a Sakanas Nifashos to Ganz Klal Yisrael.


  8. Does it say in Hichos Shabos, that when goyim come to take away your land, ( Afilu al Kash V’teven), that you can be Mechalel Shabbos to go get your Gemoroh?

    Did Moshe Rabbeinu leave a half of the Bnei Gud V’Reuven in the Midbor to learn Torah while the other half went to E”Y to fight? (see Parshas Matois).

    Is there any mention in the actual Pesukim in Nevuim, this very important Yesoid, that the one’s learning Torah helped the Yidden win the battles?

  9. #12 Softwords –

    First, thank you for recognizing that those in the DL community are your brothers. We may disagree with each other, but we all should aim to recognize the commonality of our goal to serve HKB”H in the best way possible.

    I do also agree with most of your summary. There is one point, though, where you are giving your view, rather than that expressed in the speech. When you say that “In short, he held that the touching the Yeshivas is a Sakanas Nifashos to Ganz Klal Yisrael”, that is your interpretation – there is nothing nearly so definitive said in the speech, which is much more nuanced. He does say that one who is supposed to be learning and decides not to is a deserter, but he also speaks to the necessity to have fighters and the role that they say. I could interpret his speech to say that one who is supposed to be fighting and instead decides to go to Yeshiva and learn is just as wrong as one who does the opposite – each has his role, and should do his best to fulfill it.

    an Israeli Yid

  10. Its definitely worth the 9 minutes. The Yiddish was very clear and easy to understand. The recording itself was very clear without any background noise. The Rebbe Zt”l explained it perfectly.
    I agree with #12 Softwords.

  11. With regard to ther person who asked about a source in the actual words of the neviim – we are not members of the kararites – we believe in Torah shbal peh. (Do not get carried away with your strong opinions all the wAy to kfirah in chazal )

  12. And this is why when someone says any where in the world “the Rebbe Said” most people understand they are talking about him.

    The Rebbe certainly doesnt need my praise but wow that speech is as relevant today as it was 30 years ago.

  13. The Lubavicher Rebbe zt”l points out that while Yoav led the army David Hamelech sat and studied. OK, but when David Hamelech was younger – he served in the army. Do we need people to study torah – certainly. But the Jewish halacha from the days of Moshe Rabbeinu onwards was that men fought in battle between the ages of 20-50. Older (and younger) men supported them, amongst other ways, by studying torah. Never in our history was one shevet of men made exempt from military service. Kal vachomer, no shevet of men was ever allowed to exempt itself from military service. As to the case of Zvulun and Yisachar, it has no bearing on this issue: Yisachar was never exempted from military service.

  14. Sheivet Leivi did not serve in the army nor did it help fight the battles. Sheivet Leivi was involved in avodas hakodesh outside the army and these efforts helped win the wars. Today’s yeshiva bochrim who are learning serve as our Sheivet Leivi.

  15. #20- Shevet Levi was not exempted from milchemot mitzva. Hence, the Rambam does not count them amongst the exempt from milchemot mitzva in Hilchot Melachim. I’m sure that you remember the Maccabim, for example, who were of Shevet Levi and fought rather famously. And perhaps you also remember the sugyah in the gemara regarding a Cohen taking an eshet yefat toar in war, which the Rambam also brings lehalacha in Hilchot Melachim.

    The Rambam that you are alluding to appears in Hilchot Shmita VeYovel where he brings that Shevet Levi: ‘לא עורכין מלחמה כשאר ישראל, ולא נוחלין’. This is not an exemption but rather a restriction: Shevet Levi, that does not get a nachalah and that has unique duties to fulfill may not engage in wars of choice (which were typically for ‘harchavat nachala’) – which are permitted to other shvatim.

    In any event this restriction is only applied to bnei Shevet Levi. It was never generally applied to lomdei torah. Not to mention the fact that a great many charedim are no such thing, vd”l.

  16. Commenter No. 19 makes an excellent point, i.e., that every Jew is expected to defend Israel by being a soldier. This comes close to addressing my primary question in this “share-the-burden” debate? How many learners, and how many soldiers, are needed, and who decides who should soldier and who should learn. The Rebbe goes a long way toward addressing that question.

  17. what it does endorse is a process of yissachar zevulun where yeshivas kollelim and batei sefer kleineh chadarim should make torah/tefilla pals.

    this means for each soldier a counterpart in a institution who is studying for him

    lefachot the kravi or those that are in harms way.

  18. #14 – point well taken. I agree with you that it seems from the words of the Lubavicher Rebbe, z’l that he would hold that those that don’t learn should serve as you said. Although, that is our interpretation. It could be that those close to him would state differently.

    #19 – either you need to hit the books or you are deliberately closing your eyes in order to make a pointless argument. I can think of at least 3 or 4 sources in the Torah that directly contradict was you wrote, not to mention several places in the Rambam that clearly argue against your words. I would take the time to quote them, but based on statements that I’ve seen you write in the past week or two, why bother! You hold a greased shield in your hands.


  19. #25 Yagel Libi – quote, “By all means, bring your sources.”

    Quote from you #21 “The Rambam that you are alluding to appears in Hilchot Shmita VeYovel where he brings that Shevet Levi: ‘לא עורכין מלחמה כשאר ישראל, ולא נוחלין’. This is not an exemption but rather a restriction: …In any event this restriction is only applied to bnei Shevet Levi. It was never generally applied to lomdei torah.”

    Quoting myself #24 – “I would take the time to quote them, but based on statements that I’ve seen you write in the past week or two, why bother! You hold a greased shield in your hands.”

    Let’s see if I was right!

    Rambam – Mishneh Torah, Zeraim, Laws of Shmita and Yovel, Chapter 13, Halacha 12 and 13.
    משנה תורה זרעים. הלכות שמיטה ויובל פי”ג

    י”ב – ולמה לא זכה לוי בנחלת ארץ ישראל ובביזתה עם אחיו? מפני שהובדל לעבוד את י”י לשרתו ולהורות דרכיו הישרים ומשפטיו הצדיקים לרבים, שנאמר יורו משפטיך ליעקב ותורתך לישראל. לפיכך הובדלו מדרכי העולם. לא עורכין מלחמה כשאר ישראל, ולא נוחלין, ולא זוכין לעצמן בכח גופן. אלא הם חיל השם שנאמר ברך י”י חילו. והוא ברוך הוא זוכה להם שנאמר אני חלקך ונחלתך.

    י”ג – ולא שבט לוי בלבד, אלא כל איש ואיש מכל באי העולם אשר נדבה רוחו אותו והבינו מדעו להבדל לעמוד לפני י”י לשרתו ולעובדו לדעה את י”י והלך ישר כמו שעשהו האלהים ופרק מעל צוארו עול החשבונות הרבים אשר בקשו בני האדם, הרי זה נתקדש קדש קדשים, ויהיה י”י חלקו ונחלתו לעולם ולעולמי עולמים. ויזכה לו בעה”ז דבר המספיק לו כמו שזכה לכהנים ללוים. הרי דוד ע”ה אומר י”י מנת חלקי וכוסי אתה תומיך גורלי

    The most important lines are:
    לא עורכין מלחמה כשאר ישראל, ולא נוחלין, ולא זוכין לעצמן בכח גופן.

    ולא שבט לוי בלבד, אלא כל איש ואיש מכל באי העולם אשר נדבה רוחו אותו והבינו מדעו להבדל לעמוד לפני י”י

    ופרק מעל צוארו עול החשבונות הרבים אשר בקשו בני האדם

    The simple understanding is that Shevet Levi is פטור from army duty and not only them, but also anybody that wants to dedicate his life to Torah study.

    Now, before going any further, I must say that I did extensive research today on this topic and there is definitely a big machloket on how to understand the Rambam. To be honest, I can see how people on both sides of the issue may feel that there are biases that affect people’s opinions. That could be.

    (However, in only one case was I irate on the stupidity and outright bias of that Rav’s opinion. And yes, he’s a Mizrachi Rav, but I could at least hear the arguments made by the other Mizrachi Rabbanim even if I disagreed with them. What troubled me here so much with this Rav is that I know this Rav and am ashamed at the absolutely childish arguments that he gave. He’s a Rosh Yeshivah, but if I didn’t know that I’d think he was the nebach in the lowest shiur who asks all the klutz kashas! I’m not mentioning his named because I am so ashamed for him and don’t want to insult him publicly. However, I am in total shocked! I’m probably rambling. Sorry about that.)

    Back to us.

    Now, you can argue and state the following:

    “Maybe the Rambam is ONLY talking about financial matters when comparing the Torah Scholar to Shevet Levi?”

    Nice argument, and could be true, but a couple of things:
    1) It’s not muchrach to say that and so those that hold that Halacha 13 is going on the “whole” of 12 have the rights to claim so. I say that with the same conviction as saying that those that would believe that it is only going on the last part of Halacha 12 have a strong argument as well.
    2) Now, I hate to burst your bubble and you may hate me for saying this, but here it goes…

    Quote: “Rav Kook, the first Chief Rabbi of Israel, felt strongly that students in the yeshiva should not be called to the front, for in their batei midrash, through learning Torah, they were assuring the spiritual welfare of the nation, and ultimately, we rely on our spiritual superiority to save us, not on our military might.”
    (YU Rabbi,

    וכן ‏הרב אברהם יצחק הכהן קוק, אגרות הראי”ה, (חלק ג’ עמ’ פ”ח – צ”ב)} כי במלחמת מצווה תלמידי חכמים ולומדי תורה פטורים ממנה.

    לפי הרמב”ם, על שבט לוי: “לא עורכין מלחמה כשאר ישראל” “ולא שבט לוי בלבד, אלא כל איש ואיש מכל באי העולם אשר נדבה רוחו אותו והבינו מדעו להיבדל לעמוד לפני ה’ לשרתו ולעובדו לדעה את ה'”.


    Now, what more can be said! Rav Kook, ztk”l was the primer leader of the Mizrachi movement! He himself held that Bnei Torah are not required to go to the Army. I dare say that if he were alive today he’d been at the Atzeres along with all the other Gedolim!

  20. Softwords: I suggest you look up the RadVaz on mishne 12 , perek 13, the mishne that you have been quoting so liberally. You will see that, in a few words, the RadVaz totally skewers your arguments and the arguments of the chareidim. Your points are totally “U-gefregt”.

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