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Military Police Try to Arrest Chabad Female

IDF military police tried to arrest an 18-year-old chareidi girl for not reporting to military service. According to a report, the story is confirmed but the parents, members of the Chabad tzibur, do not want their name released.

The parents were shocked when military police arrived at their home. They first thought police came to the wrong house but quickly learned this was not so. Police explained the daughter is listed as AWOL since she failed to report for military service.

The parents report that tried in earnest to persuade police their child is a frum woman and will not be serving in the IDF. Police explained these are the orders that they received and it is not in their jurisdiction to ignore their orders. Baruch Hashem the young lady in question was not home at the time.

The parents add they are quite confident that the paperwork was completed by their daughter as it should to permit her to declare she is not serving as she is frum and they believe the unfortunate incident was the result of a bureaucratic error.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. I wonder if Neturei Karta found a way to slip some money under the table to bribe IDF? Maybe the Iranians have found a way to weaken the Israeli military on what could be the verge of a major war (unlike the short term things of the past 60 years – an old fahioned fight until unconditional surrender type war that is possibly in the works).

    Attempting to conscript Hariedim into a secular army is probably the best way to guarantee that destruction of the “zionist entity”.

  2. If paperwork must be filed,,it has too.

    Sort of like the hounds of IRS.,file papers, or extension, pay up or be on the list of non compliance.

  3. “The parents add they are quite confident that the paperwork was completed by their daughter as it should to permit her to declare she is not serving as she is frum and they believe the unfortunate incident was the result of a bureaucratic error.”

    Or a deliberate provocation to test the waters for a massive move against the Torah community.

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