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Doctors Tell Obama to Quit Smoking

Barack Obama is still struggling to kick smoking, according to his first medical examination since becoming president.

Obama is sensitive about his cigarette habit and tetchy with reporters who raise it. But after his 90-minute medical at the Navy hospital outside Washington yesterday morning, his doctors confirmed he had not yet managed to conquer the habit and suggested he “continue smoking cessation efforts”.

The doctors said the president used medication to try to ease the pangs, they described it as “nicotine replacement therapy, self-use”.

Obama promised Michelle when he embarked on his campaign to become president he would quit, at the time he said he was smoking about eight a day.

He told reporters last year he had quit but still had an occasional cigarette, without specifying how many.

His health was described as excellent and he does not have to return for another medical until 2012. Obama, who is 48, has 20-20 vision, weighs 179 llbs in his shoes and clothes, and requires little medication. Apart from the nicotine replacement, he uses a non-steroid anti-inflammatory medication associated with physical activity: he regularly plays basketball at the White House.

The doctors also recommended “moderation of alcohol intake”.


11 Responses

  1. It would be better for this nation if he increased his cigarette smoking to a carton or more a day. America might then be spared too much future damage.

  2. So in short we have a drug dependent person warming the seats in the White House.
    Let’s not give the Ribbono Shel Olam any eitzos!

  3. Why is everyone only talking on his nicotine problem? To me, his alcohol problem is a lot worse. Imagine a big issue comes up and the Prez is stoned like Achashverosh! He might even have Michelle killed!!!

  4. what is wrong with you people?! there’s nothing wrong with nicotine at all, the problem is that, according to dr c everett coop, the former surgeon general of the united states “90% of all cancer cases involving tobacco are caused by the radiation in tobacco” because it is grown in soil enhanced by a mineral called apatite, which is mildly radioactive, unfortunately the radioactivity builds up in the soil over many years.
    i wouldn’t be so quick to say, as lia did, that we have a drug dependent person in the white house…most people take caffeine, nicotine, and sugar on a daily basis and without which we would go into withdrawal.
    these chemicals often help us think better (with the exception of sugar and high fructose corn syrup). nicotine has been proven to increase synapse responses in the brain, which allows a person to think more clearly.
    he should get one of those ‘electronic cigarettes’ that they sell in the shopping malls, it contains nicotine and water vapor, without any of the radiation, tar needless chemicals and heavy metals that you have in cigarette smoke.

  5. hanavon, you remind me of akuperma. You know, Kenneth Feinberg, Hannah Rosenthal, Andy Stern, Jay Jacobs, Rahm Emanuel, and David Axelrod all rolled into one.

  6. i’ll have to go back into old articles to find the quote from dr koop, but he did say it. im absolutely positive.

    flat. bubby, i dont know who most of those people are…

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