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Greenfield Questions NYPD Traffic Chief About Excessive Parking Tickets

At a hearing of the New York City Council’s Committee on Public Safety yesterday, Councilman David Greenfield used the opportunity to question the NYPD’s Chief of Transportation James Tuller about the widespread belief that New York City Traffic Enforcement Agents have a quota of parking tickets that they are required to issue. Tuller supervises all of the Traffic Enforcement Agents in New York City.

At the hearing, which took place in the New York City Council chamber, Councilman Greenfield asked Chief Tuller what percentage of tickets issued by the NYPD are related to parking infractions and what percentage of tickets are moving violations. Although Chief Tuller was unsure of the breakdown, he did concede that the City issues far more parking tickets than moving violations.

In response, Greenfield noted that the overwhelming majority of residents of his Brooklyn council district would prefer that the NYPD Traffic Division focus on keeping the city streets safe by concentrating on moving violations such as speeding and reckless driving, rather than primarily focusing on issuing parking tickets to non-moving vehicles that pose no immediate danger to drivers and pedestrians.

Tuller responded that due to budgetary considerations, the NYPD was unable to hire more police officers to enforce moving violations. Greenfield stated that he strongly supports the NYPD and the hiring of more police officers. Greenfield suggested that the NYPD consider cutting the large number of the traffic enforcement agents and using those savings to hire more police officers who would issue moving violations instead. Finally, when Greenfield questioned Tuller about the high number of traffic tickets that are issued in his council district and asked whether there was a “quota,” Tuller responded by insisting that there is no quota.

In light of the high rate of parking tickets issued to his Brooklyn constituents, Greenfield said that he was skeptical of the response and insisted that the NYPD seriously consider his recommendation to shift their focus from Traffic Enforcement Agents to police officers.

“Quota or no quota, the fact remains that the number of parking tickets issued in my council district is unusually high. Something must be done to put an end to this practice of nickel and diming New Yorkers through excessive parking tickets,” said Greenfield. “The NYPD does an outstanding job protecting New Yorkers and keeping all of us safe. I am a big fan of the NYPD. However, even fans can be critical. I believe that the department must reassess its protocol and reduce the number of parking tickets in our community immediately.”

Greenfield is currently working on introducing legislation that would curtail the ability of Traffic Enforcement Agents to issue tickets for such things as double-parking in order to drop off and pick up passengers.

Greenfield is the first Councilman from the 44th District in many years to serve on the important Committee on Public Safety.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

18 Responses

  1. The enforcement of moving violations in NYC is seriously lacking. People get away with every type of traffic violation with complete impunity.

    Greenfield is absolutely correct in describing the need to shift focus from parking violations to moving violations.

  2. Not only are they giving too many tickets, they are starting to lie now as well! I received a ticket for parking “5 feet” from a hydrant. I measured it. it was 11 feet. a month ago I received a bogus ticket for double parking when I was not double parked at all. Its time to speak up everyone – let’s unite!

  3. David we voted you in to look out for our interests and we apprecite the way you have rolled up your sleeves and gone straight to work!


  4. Finally, when Greenfield questioned Tuller about the high number of traffic tickets that are issued in his council district and asked whether there was a “quota,” Tuller responded by insisting that there is no quota.

    Well, drive on 13th Avenue or Avenue J on a Sunday AND YOU WILL SEE WHY!!

  5. The real question is, is there data to show that his district is being targeted. Are there more agents in this area than others? That is the real question. Based on studies by the media, his district is by no way the target of enforcement, and the number of summons issued is relatively small compared to other areas.

  6. shtusim: why don’t you check out Flatbush Avenue, particularly areas north of “The Junction.” How about Flatlands Avenue between Remsen and Ralph Avenue. It’s not just Boro Park. I’ll bet there are more tickets per violation in BP than in the other areas.

  7. I drive through Canarsie on Sundays regularly and noticed something quite remarkable. On every block that has a church there are rows and rows of double parked cars with not a single police officer in sight writing a ticket.
    Why do we have selective enforcement of the law?

  8. So what now? Another case of anti-semitism? Please! These parking tickets are not bogus. They are for real infractions and the fact that this district gets more tickets is because it IS deserved. Double parking temporarily is not the problem. But doing so (as well as triple parking) for longer periods of time without anyone in the driver’s seat is outrageous. It is well known and it does not take a genius to see the selfishness of some drivers in these areas. Educate your constituents!

  9. I just came from the post office in Boro-Park.

    I was parked for just one minute. There was no traffic agent in sight. When I arrived, 60 seconds later, after dropping off my letters in the box, I saw an agent walking along and giving tickets.

    We have mobs of agents patrolling Boro-Park. They are as thick as locusts. there is zero tolerance. This is not law enforcement. this is pure exploitation of a community to suck the lifeblood out of the people. The City knows there is a shortage of parking space, and they are flooding the area with agents to rip-off as much money as possible.

  10. There’s a misconception by people who don’t live or drive in BP.

    The issue isn’t about zero tolerance. Its about the meter maids giving tickets for cars discharging passengers while double parked which is NOT against the law & is impossible to avoid on 13th Ave. & the rest of the streets

    Parking at a hydrant is 100% legal as long there’s a licensed driver in the car. I’ve seen lots of tickets given for “violations” like these

    Once again. Its NOT about zero tolerance!
    Its about Stealing our money!

  11. Its or tickets money or tax money, bottom line is that the city need the money, I would go for a tax increase and a relief of the tickets

  12. Interesting series of comments. The arguments seems to break down as follows:
    1) “It was only short time”
    OK, but during that minute you committed a violation of the traffic regulations. For example, you double-parked to run inside “for a minute” but during that minute you were in violation (and impeded the flow of traffic).
    2) “They made it up”
    [my favorite is parking at the hydrant: they said 5, he measured 11, but the law is 15 feet from a hydrant. So you were guilty, right? Or do two wrongs make a right?]
    Fight it in court. I’ve either had the ticket dismissed or lowered the fine in almost every case of a defective ticket. Not 100% but worth the time to type a letter of defense and mail it.
    3) “Selective Enforcement”
    So the answer to you parking illegally is that they should stop and ticket others parked illegally? No, they should not selectively enforce. But at the same time, the “but everyone else is doing it” is not an excuse.

    I live in the City: parking is brutal and not for the faint-of-heart. But if you have a car, play by the rules and be considerate of other drivers.
    Lastly, think about the message that your children are getting. When we “cut corners” with laws, what does that do for their midos?

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