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Rav Ben-Dahan Adamantly Opposed to Modern Version of Individual Rights

bdIn a recent panel discussion including MK (Yesh Atid) Dr. Aliza Lavie and Deputy Minister of Religious Services (Bayit Yehudi) Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan, the deputy minister expressed his adamant opposition to what Israel’s High Court of Justice calls individual rights.

Rabbi Ben-Dahan used the forum to sound the alarm regarding intermarriage in the United States and Europe, citing in the US the rate has reached 70%. He warns that in Europe, the Jews will disappear as a result of intermarriage chas v’sholom, and that the only country that has a system to prevent this from occurring is Israel. Therefore explains Ben-Dahan, he rejects the issue of individual rights as the High Court interprets it, quoting from Mesilas Yesharim regarding our “obligations in this world, not the rights and privileges”.

“Individual rights is not the most important thing in the world” he explained, adding this is a Jewish country and therefore different from all the other countries of the world. He explains there is nothing to be done for if we wish to remain the Jewish People the institution of marriage must be safeguarded as is the case today and therefore Jewish marriage cannot be left to the realm of individual rights and people doing as they please.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Chilonim in Israel want to abolish marriage altogether as an outdated law, however when it comes to rights against halachah like intermarriage, they request to be legally married. They also demand recognition in “same gender marriage” like some Sodomite States in the US do. Can you expect anything better from one who taints their soul with neveilut and treifut?

  2. It is refreshing and delightful to learn that a prominent figure on”the other side” shares our yeshivishe hasgafos. Far more unites us than divides us. YWN – keep these articles coming!

  3. Chazak Ubaruch & Kol hakavod!!!
    Now stand strong for bachurim and avreichim to continue learning our holy Torah like your rav Harav Mordechi Eliyahu ZT”L worked so hard to do against this crooked government and all their crooked collaborators…

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