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Dirshu Celebrates Around the World



From the USA to England, from Modi’in Illit to Paris, from Bnei Brak to Holland to South Africa, Yidden joyously celebrate the siyum of the first volume of Mishnah Brurah in Daf Yomi B’Halachah

This past week, thousands of lomdei Torah in cities around the world celebrated the siyum of the first volume of Mishnah Brurah in Daf Yomi B’Halachah. Dirshu, which launched a major revolution in Torah study with the institution of the Daf Yomi B’Halachah program hosted beautiful, inspiring events to honor Torah and talmidei chachamim in England, South Africa, France, Holland, and cities across Eretz Yisrael and the U.S.

In England, hundreds of talmidei chachamim, avreichim, and baalei batim traveled from London and Manchester to participate in a stirring night of Torah and chizuk in the Buick Center??? in Gateshead. The event, which was graced by the city’s distinguished Rabbanim, opened with remarks from the esteemed chairman of Dirshu-Europe Hagaon Harav Dayan Binyamin Eckstein, shlit”a, who stressed that this occasion only marks the first step in attaining requisite knowledge of all of Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, but is incontrovertible proof that the goal of acquiring broad knowledge and understanding of Halachah is, indeed, attainable.

The venerable guest of honor, Hagaon Harav Aharon Lopiansky, shlit”a, quoted the Gemara, “Since the churban haBayis, Hakadosh Baruch Hu has nowhere in this world except for the daled amos of Halachah.”


Hakadosh Baruch Hu’s Presence in this world, expressed Harav Lopiansky, is within the domain of Halachah. The word “halachah” itself derives from the root word H-L-CH, halach or halichah—walking, progressing. Thus, the ideal observance and fulfillment of the sacred mitzvos of the Torah, complete with all their laws and fstringencies, are crucial for each and every individual in order to reinforce his personal connection with the Master of the world.

In Passaic, NJ, esteemed Rabbanim and marbitzei Torah led the community in celebrating the siyum of the first volume of Mishnah Brurah. Hagaon Harav Yerucham Olshin, shlit”a, Rosh Yeshivah of Beis Medrash Govoha, equated the study of Daf Yomi B’Halachah to the cornerstone of a contemporary Torah home. He further praised Dirshu for instigating this incredible revolution. The resulting limud has positively impacted tens of thousands of Jewish homes in the amount and quality of Torah studied, and thereby enhanced the knowledge and observance of practical Halachah in all realms of the Mishnah Brurah.

World-acclaimed lecturer and Rosh Yeshivah of Ner Yisrael of Baltimore Harav Yissocher Frand, shlit”a, delivered the keynote address, after which hundreds of maggidei shiurim across the U.S. marked the siyum of the first volume of Mishnah Brurah and commencement of the second volume, overflowing with simchah shel mitzvah.

Journeying around the globe, Dirshu also sponsored special affairs in South Africa, Amsterdam, and other countries to mark this monumental achievement. In every city, the inspiration and simchah were keenly felt by the lomdei Torah who have been actively pursuing the daily study regimen and spread to family members, neighbors and friends, many of whom were motivated to join the Daf Yomi B’Halachah program as Klal Yisrael commences the study of the second volume of Mishnah Brurah.


Several siyumim also took place in France, with the main event held in the capital. In attendance were Hagaon Harav Mordechai Rottenberg, shlit”a, Av Beis Din Agudas Hachareidim of Paris; Hagaon Harav Yehudah Toledano, shlit”a, Rosh Yeshivas Chazon Baruch which is located in Le Raincy, a commune in the eastern suburbs of Paris; and Hagaon Harav Todros Cohen, shlit”a, Rav of Kehillas Yeshuos Yaakov in Paris.

Harav Hagaon Naftali Levi, shlit”a, executive director of Dirshu-France, remarked that the stirring evening, which featured a magnificent buffet, was a direct extension of the historic Dirshu siyum that took place last year in Paris with the conclusion of the first cycle of Daf Yomi B’Halachah and commencement of the second cycle.

On the heels of the main Paris event, a closed assembly was held for fifty Dirshu maggidei shiur from cities across France together with Nasi Moetzes Hachachamim Hagaon Harav Shalom Cohen, shlit”a. At this special kinus, the maggidei shiur received clear instructions and guidance regarding their sacred efforts of teaching and increasing the observance of Halachah throughout France, where Yidden keenly endure the trials and tribulations of galus.

Expressed Harav Levi, “The event that took place this week reawakened the powerful surge of emotion and deep exhilaration that swept across French Jews, many of whom have excitedly latched onto the study of Daf Yomi B’Halachah.

“People left the event deeply reinforced in their commitment to continue learning, imbued with fresh energy, dynamism, and enthusiasm to perpetuate their meleches hakodesh and continue spreading the radiance of Halachah from one end of France to the other.”

Central chizuk assembles took place in Eretz Yisrael, as well, particularly in Modi’in Illit where over 1,500 lomdei Torah who attend some 90 daily shiurim in the city united for an evening of inspiration and Torah. Hagaon Harav Yosef Yekusiel Efrati, shlit”a, Rosh Beis Hamedrash L’Halachah B’Hityashvut, quoted Harav Elyashiv, zt”l, in reference to the significance of learning Daf Yomi B’Halachah. He added that the Posek Hador was frequently apprised of Dirshu’s goals and global programs to bolster the study of Torah and Halachah, and that he greatly esteemed and endorsed its indescribable contribution to limud Torah around the world.


Hagaon Harav Shmuel Eliezer Stern, shlit”a, Gaavad of West Bnei Brak ascended next to the podium, quoting the Gemara that describes Kerem B’Yavneh where rows upon rows of talmidim sat and learned, resembling a neat vineyard.

“Dirshu,” he expressed emotionally, “is cultivating thousands of talmidim who are osek baTorah. When we observe a yeshivah like this, a yeshivah like Dirshu, which is the greatest and largest yeshivah in the world, encompassing hundreds of thousands of talmidim who engage in various learning tracks, and particularly those in Halachah b’iyun and bekius; it is brilliant testimony to the fact that Dirshu has merited becoming the greatest and largest achsania shel Torah—House of Torah, an institution whose epitome and entirety is disseminating Torah and Halachah.”

Rabbi Dovid Hofstedter, shlit”a, Nasi of Dirshu, addressed the assembly next. He expressed his immense joy in observing tens of thousands of Yidden from Monsey all the way to Johannesburg united in learning and following the daily learning regimen established by Daf Yomi B’Halachah.Harav Stern then referenced his rebbi, Hagaon Harav Shmuel Wosner, zt”l, the venerable Shevet Halevi who was among the greatest Halachic authorities in our time and emphasized how he wholeheartedly supported and encouraged the study of Halachah. “We have lost the spiritual crown of our generation, Maran Baal Shevet Halevi, yet his legacy is deeply embedded in his sefarim and the continued study of Daf Yomi B’Halachah.”

“We are delighted that Dirshu has developed into a giant beis medrash belonging to the entire Jewish nation in every place in the world. There’s no doubt that Torah study of this scope learned by Jews everywhere is a tremendous chizuk to both the study of Halachah and bekius, aside from reinforcing mitzvos and relationships bein odom lachaveiro which are so crucial, especially during these days of Sefiras Haomer.”

Parallel events took place in the batei medrash of Toldos Avraham Yitzchak and Kehal Adas Yerushalayim of Masmidim under the auspices of Hagaon Harav Leib Mintzberg, shlit”a.

In the great Vizhnitz beis medrash in Bnei Brak, the chassidus hosted a special kinus and siyum with divrei chizuk delivered by the Rebbe’s son, Hagaon Harav Yaakov Mordechai Hager, shlit”a. Harav Hager relays a riveting daily Halachah shiur in the Central Vizhnitz Beis Medrash, attracting dozens of lomdei Torah who eagerly imbibe his words which he liberally spices with an array of Halachic sources, mussar, and practical Halachah drawn from Aggadah and Chassidus.

Harav Hager began with an intricate discourse regarding the obligation to study Halachah and, “To ask and delve into the laws of the Festival [Pesach] thirty days prior to the Festival.” He proceeded to share a beautiful explanation of the enormous benefits garnered from learning and acquiring Halachah, citing teachings from his father, the Vizhnitzer Rebbe, shlit”a, and his predecessors to highlight the requirement of learning Halachah as a pillar of the Vizhnitz dynasty.


Excitement peaked as the Rebbe, shlit”a, entered and addressed the audience. The Rebbe opened with special words of appreciation to the Dirshu administration for increasing and enhancing the level of Torah study in the world for all who fear Hashem. He then elaborated upon the magnitude of exploiting every spare moment for Torah study. The Rebbe, shlit”a, moreover delivered a personal, heartfelt plea to each and every chassid, reiterating his recommendation to introduce a seder of Halachah study into their daily schedule. Especially in this day and age, he emphasized, when it is so easy to acquire pocket-size sefarim on all Torah topics, one can effortlessly fulfill the mitzvahU’v’lechtecha ba’derech” and merit the extra protection that Hashem showers upon one who learns Torah.

A full week of celebrations lichvodah shel Torah continued around the world, with thousands of lomdei Torah reinforced in their commitment to continue learning Daf Yomi B’Halachah, and others inspired to join the program now as the Jewish world commences the second volume of Mishnah Brurah and looks forward to eventually completing all six volumes.

“Now is the time to join Daf Yomi B’Halachah in the framework of one of our hundreds of daily Halachah shiurim worldwide!” a Dirshu spokesperson declared. “Learning Daf Yomi B’Halachah is a step on the straight path to acquiring mastery of the Mishnah Brurah—the basis of our lives which we endeavor to live in full conformance with Halachah.”

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