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Suspicions Lifted: Modi’in Illit Child Cleared For Kvura By Authorities

candle914Authorities on Tuesday afternoon 5 Menachem Av issued a burial permit for 18-month-old toddler Tehila Z. of Modi’in Illit who died in Tel Hashomer Hospital on Monday evening 4 Menachem Av. Tehila was brought into the hospital last Thursday in serious condition and when doctors detected bruises on her body, police were alerted. An investigation into suspected child abuse was launched immediately.

The parents were questioned and after she was niftar, arrangements were made for a MRI to avoid an autopsy as police required information since they were operating under the premise there was abuse in the case.

Needless to say it is a most difficult time for the bereaved parents, who not only lost their daughter but were under suspicion of abusing the child, possibly leading to her death.

Neighbors told police that the couple is wonderful and both exemplary parents who are not capable of harming a fly, yet alone their daughter.

Baruch Hashem the medical examiner was satisfied with the results of the MRI/external autopsy, clearing the child for kvura.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. being cleared for burial is not the same as clearing the parents. the child is buried even if the parents are still suspected. very poorly worded.

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