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Monsey Trails to Raise Prices 25 Percent

monsey bus.jpgTraveling from Rockland County to NYC by bus, will start costing commuters 25% more starting June 1. According to the the Journal News, commuters who travel on Monsey Trails, and purchase a 40-trip booklet from Rockland County to Manhattan or Brooklyn, will have to pay $300 from the current $240.

A second bus company, Rockland Coaches will increase those fares 5 percent.

Both companies are citing that the increase in diesel costs prompted the price increase.


12 Responses

  1. I travel alot on those buses.
    The service is great, it just couldn’t be better.
    I understand that the fare has to go up. Everything in this world went up the price, so why in the world aren’t they obligated to update their prices as well? Aren’t they entitled to cover their expenses? I’m sure everything else (parts, labor etc.) went up as well…!

    Monsey Trails!
    Continue with your good job & I enjoy riding your buses!

  2. I am surprised they have not raised it until now, with the price of gas these days I was expecting it. Though a 25% is high, try filling up a tank of gas.

  3. Monsey Trails, if you are going to raise the prices you may as well raise the mechitzah , its too low on some buses.

  4. The price hike to $300 is quite a lot. Most employers won’t raise the salary and the employee ends up losing out. Should the gas prices go down – I wonder if these prices will. I know many commuters riding the Monsey Trails are quite upset by the raised price.

  5. Boo I’m normally pro hiking up price but when it effects me I oppose it sorry monsey trails but I say boo!

  6. #9
    what do you mean?
    Don’t you pay now more for your bread & milk at the grocery store? Don’t you pay now more for hardware at the hardware store? How about electric & gas? Are they more expensive as well? Of course they are! So what doubts do you have?
    When you fill up your car at the pump, don’t you see the difference when you pay…?

  7. This is an outrage and a scam. Just two months ago they cut bus services to save on gas. Now they are raising the price with a $60 increase!
    Rockland Coaches went from $240 to $250. That is a fair increase, but Monsey Trails is robbing the commuters blind.

    The problem is not with Monsey Trails but with the commuters who do not make any “machah”! We should all start taking Rockland Coach and maybe then Monsey Trails won’t think they have a monopoly over the frum community and treat us fair!

  8. there are alternative ways of getting into the city.
    if the price jump is too high(which i feel it is) as a consumer you can shop for a cheaper fare. rather
    than judging this bus company on their decision, i
    will make my own & check out the alternatives. i do
    realize that those who daven on the bus have no other options, but for others, there are other choices.

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