☕️coffee addict

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  • in reply to: What Happened To All My Sillinesses? #2259263
    ☕️coffee addict

    No LF,

    You didn’t LOSE your silliness, it didn’t go to waste,

    You grew from them!

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2259197
    ☕️coffee addict

    “you’re right, I should’ve clarified. By yetzias mitzrayim, there was only disappearance. My point was that you can’t always take what looks and seems like fact for granted, because before the eigel, Moshe looked like he was being buried by the Malachim in shomayim.”

    In this paragraph you’re saying the rebbe is still alive bgashmius

    Not even the notzrim believe that their messiah is alive physically

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry

    in reply to: BY girl struggling #2258983
    ☕️coffee addict

    IMO it’s because moros feel it’s the parents responsibility and parents feel it’s the moros responsibility so each side kicks the can to the other and the child suffers

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2258966
    ☕️coffee addict

    “I guess you missed the heavenly funeral bit. For starters“

    Cs I hope you’re not quoting a “new testament” when he redeemed klal yisrael from mitzrayim he “disappeared” he didn’t die, he wasn’t around for a few months between when he went to pharaoh the first time and when he went in front of him by maakos dam

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2258744
    ☕️coffee addict


    Disappearance doesn’t mean die (moshe rabbeinu didn’t die when he “disappeared”

    Yet again you sound like a notzri trying to twist Torah and meforshim to fit your beliefs

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2258661
    ☕️coffee addict

    I wasn’t making light, like qwerty was stating, I was showing how moshichists don’t sound that much different than early notzrim and the only reason I believe that they haven’t followed in that path is that there hasn’t been anyone to distance them from yoddishkeit (no one has told them that the Rebbe came to him in a dream and said to move shabbos to Tuesday)

    If this is what Lubavitch really believes, I find that to be really disturbing

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2258523
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Really, all there is to do is to daven that the first stage of techias hameisim happen ASAP (Tzaddikim rise earlier), with Moshiach with them, and finish off the job he started.“


    You along with the notzrim

    A second coming……

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2257721
    ☕️coffee addict


    I really appreciate your posts it shows how Lubavitch view themselves as “the only way” and on the level of being a cult


    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2257635
    ☕️coffee addict

    I would like to mention that שאול המלך’s humility made him lose the מלכות because he listened to בני ישראל and spared עמלק

    The same applies over here

    The Rebbe’s humility made him not come out strongly against the meshichists

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2257472
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Bar kochba definitely wasn’t annointed- there was no Sanhedrin then. But the Rambam calls him king, and candidate for Moshiach so you clearly see what kind of “king” the Rambam was referring to.“

    Correction, bar Kochba minted coins during his lifetime so they can be used (like the United States government) whereas the Rebbe has not (not even his “Rebbe dollars” were minted by him)

    in reply to: Minister Gallant Assures U.S. No Jews Will return To Gaza After #2257467
    ☕️coffee addict


    What type of city is going to be in Gaza? A Jewish city in Gaza controlled by Muslims that will have to spend millions of dollars protecting each yid?
    Man’s what type of Jew would want to live there (besides NK, but I digress)

    in reply to: What 50 Shadchanim Told Me #2257198
    ☕️coffee addict

    Everyone should realize that square root is on a crusade to get people to eat healthier

    Ethics and Entenmann’s

    Just like crusades eating a certain way has been turned into a religion (ask any vegetarian and they’ll quote the health benefits of not eating meat)

    in reply to: @CTLAWYER #2257080
    ☕️coffee addict


    I thought only NYers were snowbirds (in the sense that everyone else aren’t called that)

    I guess after twelve years of living in NY I’ve finally become a NYer

    in reply to: @CTLAWYER #2256714
    ☕️coffee addict

    Mazel Tov!

    Did you ever think you’d become a snowbird?

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2255675
    ☕️coffee addict

    This thread gave my an interesting question

    What should happen to a chassidus that doesn’t have a present rebbe does every chassid decide to join a different chassidus? What if their mehalech doesn’t match with others?

    Just wondering 🤔

    in reply to: Ethics and Entenmann’s #2255166
    ☕️coffee addict

    Welcome to the CR Michael Bloomberg!

    If we would have that eventually nothing would be kosher because one can find something “ethically” wrong with anything

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2254980
    ☕️coffee addict

    “so how will you know when moshiach actually comes????“

    Our gedolim will tell us

    “i dont even understand why you care about moshiach, what will be then? if you want penimius hatorah, learn it now! you want shibud malchiyus? for what?
    (i beleive moshiach is here, the giluy of penimius hatorah – chassidus, yes i still want moshiach bigashmius, main reason is shlaimus torah and mitzvos)“

    Why can’t we have the same reason for moshiach for shleimus HaTorah?

    in reply to: YWN/CR WordPress/bbPress Software Update #2254875
    ☕️coffee addict

    Can we get subtitles back?

    If not, then I hate it


    in reply to: YWN/CR WordPress/bbPress Software Update #2254876
    ☕️coffee addict

    Already found something I don’t like

    If click a name won’t bring to their page

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2254350
    ☕️coffee addict

    “I have 1 simple question for Lubavitch Chassidim. If Moshiach comes today but he isn’t the Rebbe, would you accept him?
    I would prefer a straight Yes or No answers.“

    That’s like asking if a chazir chews its cud would you eat it

    If Lubavitch claims “the rebbe IS moshiach” there is no other option and if there is then their belief isn’t ironclad then your “hypothetical scenario” would be incongruent

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2253739
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Not exactly, but specifically in this context of sometimes one can learn and learn but it doesn’t have the desired effect on him – I think this does apply to both. Maybe on different levels, I’m not sure“

    That’s the best non answer answer I have seen recently

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2253513
    ☕️coffee addict


    So you agree that litvish Torah learning is the same as Lubavitch learning chassidus?

    in reply to: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe #2253349
    ☕️coffee addict


    I was trying to hold myself back from responding (I was thinking of making a thread about your comments on the main but decided against it, I’m happy someone else started one and got you to respond

    When Lubavitch paints themselves as “holier than thou” because they learn chassidus but then when they are called out for their bad behavior say “well you do it too” it doesn’t show how you are better

    Case in point

    You probably didn’t go onto the NY Post’s website and say the same thing

    According to Lubavitch chassidus is the way so show it and don’t try to deflect

    in reply to: Amazing old concerts from the good old days (mbd fried etc) #2251136
    ☕️coffee addict



    I have nothing to gain from this post

    Except hits on YouTube

    in reply to: Is Claudine Gay’s Resignation Good News? #2251176
    ☕️coffee addict

    “A lot of Politicians, CEO’s and Dean’s fail when it comes to ethics.“

    Especially POTUS, who has plagiarized and lied


    in reply to: Academia #2250783
    ☕️coffee addict
    in reply to: Is it assur to wish a goy a “Happy New Year”? #2250609
    ☕️coffee addict


    You know I was referring to income tax

    in reply to: Is it assur to wish a goy a “Happy New Year”? #2250539
    ☕️coffee addict

    ארבעה ראשי שנים הם

    תנא ושייר

    מאי שייר דהאי שייר?

    Jan 1 is a rosh hashana for taxes and the reason it’s not listed is because תלמידי חכמים don’t pay taxes

    ☕️coffee addict

    The United States uses Israel as a Middle East outpost, if Israel got destroyed ch”v America would lose that upper hand

    in reply to: side effect of the war #2250351
    ☕️coffee addict

    End of the year tax deductible donation

    Besides meshulachim constant emails and phone calls

    in reply to: Academia #2249765
    ☕️coffee addict


    So your father would have a useless economics degree

    in reply to: Anyone else long for when restaurants were simpler #2249412
    ☕️coffee addict

    GH he said

    “Now a small meal in a decent restaurant will cost you a $30-$40 tip, no matter how your service was.“

    He didn’t say fine dining

    in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2249350
    ☕️coffee addict

    I remember moishekapoieh posting the same way

    Support democrats have TDS and say feh to everything

    Either you two are related or from the same place

    in reply to: Anyone else long for when restaurants were simpler #2249351
    ☕️coffee addict

    How cheap is your small meal, don’t mind me?


    in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2249348
    ☕️coffee addict


    If you only believe in gratitude to Biden when Trump did a whole lot more, you’re a democrat

    in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2249210
    ☕️coffee addict

    “and while i’m at it, biden has sent tons and tons and tons and tons of armament to israel, has visited israel right after the october massacre to give the jews chizuk, and yet, and yet, the orthodox jews can’t find it in their hearts to give him hakoras hatov – not even a thank you, just hatred spewed at him at every turn. feh !“

    This is the real reason why

    “christie, nikki, we don’t care, as long as it’s not that crazy (real crazy – hear some of his rally speeches?) orange-haired buffoon, who, i shall repeat, is a wild demagogue, con-artist, liar, lecher, sore loser, and , oh yes, now you can add a hitler yemach shemo quoter.“

    Yechiel is really a democrat Biden supporter and really is worried that trump will get the presidency back and totally upend the Apple cart

    in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2248953
    ☕️coffee addict

    Christie lost his last supporter

    December 23, 2023 6:47 pm at 6:47 pm
    go, nikki, go !

    HOT ON HIS HEELS: Nikki Haley Within Just Four Points Of Donald Trump In New Hampshire

    in reply to: Joseph vs squeak Nittul Nacht Chess #2248939
    ☕️coffee addict


    Something is wrong with your understanding

    in reply to: Joseph vs squeak Nittul Nacht Chess #2248838
    ☕️coffee addict


    We took it as a fast day

    ח ט & י טבת were taken as fast days for all the things that happened (Ezra hasofer etc)

    in reply to: Joseph vs squeak Nittul Nacht Chess #2248820
    ☕️coffee addict

    I just learned this year that ט טבת was when yoshke was born and it was taken as a fast day

    in reply to: Anyone else long for when restaurants were simpler #2248572
    ☕️coffee addict



    That’s the best way to be served!

    in reply to: Why the Hostage Posters Are So Terrible #2248532
    ☕️coffee addict

    Why is there ALWAYS someone who posts this Aliyah stuff?

    in reply to: 10 teves daven screaming oovinay yerushalayim #2248497
    ☕️coffee addict

    Reb eliezer,

    Didn’t he tell that to the נביאי הבעל to scream louder to their עבודה זרה because maybe it’s asleep

    in reply to: Buying a hat in Monsey #2248410
    ☕️coffee addict

    He said he wants a ”new” black hat

    in reply to: If You Were a Goy #2248177
    ☕️coffee addict


    I was thinking of the same thing

    “If I were a goy, I’d go biddie biddie bum all day long”

    But I didn’t want to joke around in the beginning

    in reply to: If You Were a Goy #2248158
    ☕️coffee addict

    And btw there were more than one poster that didn’t attack square root, what I think he really meant that everyone except one person disagrees with him but it seems square root didn’t want any dialogue on the issue and just wanted to rant

    in reply to: If You Were a Goy #2248152
    ☕️coffee addict

    I understood that was what square root was getting at however what I was trying to show is that if a different nationality of goyim came in to their neighborhood and did the same thing there wouldn’t be this much hatred

    Additionally there are numerous out of town communities where this doesn’t exist however there are these hatred marches

    in reply to: If You Were a Goy #2247944
    ☕️coffee addict

    “Ask the Hispanics that questions (or people that live in a Hispanic community)“

    To add to my previous comment, I guess you’ve never been in Chinatown where you wouldn’t be able to read the letters

    in reply to: If You Were a Goy #2247883
    ☕️coffee addict

    “If you were a non-Jew:
    Would you want all the stores to be closed on Saturdays and Jewish Holidays?

    If you were a non-Jew:
    Would you want kosher food stores,
    where the prices are higher than for non-kosher foods?“

    I can go a few blocks over and buy stuff over there

    “If you were a non-Jew:
    Would you want public signs in a language that you do not understand?“

    If you were a non-Jew:
    Would you want all your neighbors to speak Yiddish or Hebrew?
    And even when they speak English,
    they use many words that you do not understand?

    Ask the Hispanics that questions (or people that live in a Hispanic community)

    “If you were a non-married non-Jew,
    would you want all your neighbors to be people
    who you could never marry or even date?“

    I don’t think people go around thinking “hey I really want to date my next door neighbor, if they want to date they go to a bar or those type of places

    But really you don’t sound that much different than Haman

    in reply to: Clear plastic table cover. #2247281
    ☕️coffee addict

    If you have another way to keep your white tablecloth stain free go right ahead

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