Belz & Satmar; Peace Gestures

After years of distancing from one another there are now signs of a possible peace-making effort between Satmar and Belze, chareidi media in Israel reports Baruch Hashem.

On Monday, 21 Teves 5772, Gabbai R’ Shimon Wolf Klein and ten dayanim from Belz communities worldwide visited the tziyun of the Admor Bal Divrei Yoel ZY”A of Satmar in Kiryas Yoel in Monroe, NY.

The gabbai asked mechila from the tzaddik in the name of the Belzer Rebbe Shlita. “We are the emissaries of Rabbeinu Yissacher Dov Ben Chana, who sent us to ask mechila on that which compromised your kovod”.

The Belze delegation than visit the tziyun of the admor Beirach Moshe of Satmar zt”l and recited the same nusach seeking mechila.

According to Chadrei Chareidim, the dayanim shlita included HaGaon HaRav Tuvia Wettenshtein, HaGaon HaRav Moshe Shimon Binata, Rav Asher Eckstein, Rav Sholom Pesach Langsheim, Rav Wolf Ber Lerner and Rav Mordechai Galitzky.

There is now speculation that when the Satmar Rebbe Shlita visits Eretz Yisrael next month, he and the Belzer Rebbe will meet. They are after all brothers-in-law.

The dispute was the result of a drasha given by the Belzer Rebbe on motzei Simchas Torah in 5740. The Belzer Rebbe has made numerous efforts to make shalom over recent years.

Recently, it was reported that the Satmar Rebbe stated, “When the Rebbe will send a minyan of rabbonim and dayanim to the kever of the Divrei Yoel to ask mechila, the peace process will get underway”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. Only problem is:

    There are currently TWO Satmar groups. If Belz makes peace with “Satmar” it does not nessasarly mean that the “other” Satmar agrees and accepts it!

  2. its yissachar dov ben miriam
    the belza rebbe is amazing a oihev shulem
    maybe the satmer rebbe was the tzadik hador then ,but today its the belza rebbe

  3. Will this start a new business for travel agents to have minunim travel around from every were in the whole world to every beis hachayim with plains boats and buses to ask mechila from others?

  4. The Satmarer Rebbe, Reb Aron has had an ongoing relationship with his brother-in-law the Belzer Rebbe, as witnessed in many pictures. That is not the issue.
    The problem is that the Chasidim of the old Satmar Rebbe, zt”l never forgave the Belzer Rebbe for the abominable way he “publicly” spoke against their leader.
    Although it is indeed a very nice gesture – sending a minyan to the tzion – if he truly means mechila, he would get up and “publicly” express remorse for those words he used against a godol, many years his senior, that offended so many at that time.
    Since the Monroe Satmar Rebbe is traveling to EY in a few weeks he would find it a lot easier if his Chasidim would have put this ongoing resentment to rest.
    I am not sure that sending messengers will accomplish that!

  5. “it was reported that the Satmar Rebbe stated, “When the Rebbe will send a minyan of rabbonim and dayanim to the kever of the Divrei Yoel to ask mechila, the peace process will get underway”.”

    Is this the “peace process” that obama and the State Department keep talking about?!?
    Is there going to be any prisoner exchange between Satmar and Belz???

  6. There will be a Mechila buses making stops at, all NY and NJ cemetery’s,many rabbinic leaders will attend.
    NER MITZVAH will be selling mechila packages, includes candeles, thelim, and a mechila nusach.

    Kidding aside Kol Hakoved to Belz

  7. שו”ע סי’ תר”ו ס”ה שרייבט דער תניא:

    ואם מת מי שפשע כנגדו מביא עשרה בני אדם ומעמידם על קברו ואומר בפניהם, חטאתי לאלקי ישראל ולפלוני זה שפשעתי כנגדו, וצריך שילך לשם יחף.
    ואם הוא חוץ לשלש פרסאות מן קברו אינו צריך לילך בעצמו לשם אלא ישלח שלוחו שיבקש ממנו מחילה בעבור השולחו בפני עשרה בפני אדם.

    אין ס”ו שרייבט דער תניא בזה הלשון:
    ואם חרפו לאחר מיתה אינו צריך לילך על קברו אלא מבקש ממנו מחילה במקום שביישו

  8. to me the whole thing of making peace doesnt make sense we jews between ourselves are supposed to be at peace we dont have to make agreements

  9. LITVOCK always are at peace. This is the 1st time CHASSIDIM are at peace. MOSHIACH is on the way

    I work with belzer, sanzer and vishnitzers. They are the nicest chassidim. If I as a litvock were to become a chasid i would become only 1 of those 3. It would depend on which mikveh i have to use and which herring i need to get and which rebbahs shreiam is better

    I love the achdus

  10. Litvock, you must be living on another planet.
    Individual Chasidim are mostly ALL nice to deal with (and the source of much Chesed and assistance when c”v needed.)
    The two Sanz-Klausenberg kehilas are at each other’s throats. Their father’s yerusha was never divided yet, years after his passing, and the bitterness runs very deep.
    Viznitz has a history of machloikes going back to Reb Moishele shlita (of Bnei Brak) and Reb Motele shlita (of Monsey.)
    Look what is going on between Reb Yisroel and Reb Mendel of Viznitz, even though their father (Reb Moishele shlita is still alive.
    Belz, has no such issues because the Rebbe shlita is an only child!

  11. @14, bpkj: you forgot about Machnovka… though I really don’t know anything about them other than that they exist and are a split-off from Belz (but from before the current Rebbe).

  12. I saw with my own eyes & heard with my own ears a Charedi man asking for mechila at the grave of R. Shlomo Carlebach on his yahrzeit.
    Yes, gadol haShalom v’Achdus! Let peace reign between Belz and Satmar & in all of Klal Yisrael!

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